Princeton University
Computer Science Department

Computer Science 318
Operating Systems

Margaret Martonosi and Vivek Pai

Fall 2011

General Information | Schedule | Projects | Policies

Schedule and Lecture Notes

Here is the tentative schedule of lectures for the course. Links will be updated throughout the term.

You are expected to complete the readings before the day of the corresponding lecture. Sporadic quizzes will help encourage this!

Date Topic Reading and Questions
9/15 Introduction MOS 1.1-1.3
9/20 Overview MOS 1.4-1.5 submit
9/22 OS Structure MOS 1.6-1.7 submit
9/27 Processes & Threads MOS 2.1, 2.2.1-2.2.3 submit
9/29 Threads Implementation (Non-preemptive & Preemptive) MOS 2.2.4-2.2.9 submit
10/4 Mutex Implementation MOS 2.3.3, 2.3.6 submit
10/6 CPU Scheduling MOS 2.4 submit
10/11 Semaphores, Monitors, & Condition Variables MOS 2.3.5, 2.3.7, Birrell's paper submit
10/13 Deadlocks MOS 6 submit
10/18 I/O Devices and Drivers MOS 5.1-5.3, 5.5-5.9 submit
10/20 Message Passing MOS 2.3.8, 8.2.1-8.2.4 submit
10/25 Security and protection MOS 9 (No questions due to midterms week.)
10/27 Midterm exam 2011's solns, 2010 suggested solutions, 2009's solns
11/8 Virtual Memory Address Translation MOS 3.1-3.3 submit
11/10 Virtual Memory Paging and Replacement MOS 3.4 submit
11/15 Virtual Memory Design Issues MOS 3.5-3.6 submit
11/17 Storage Devices MOS 5.4 submit
11/22 Internetworking DARPA Internet Protocols submit
11/29 File Systems MOS 4.1, 9.3.1-9.3.3 submit
12/1 File Layout and Directories MOS 4.2,4.3.1-4.3.3, 4.5.2-4.5.3 submit
12/6 File System Reliability and Performance MOS 4.4.2-4.4.4, 4.3.5, 4.3.6 submit
12/8 NFS and Snapshot MOS 10.6.3-10.6.4, NetApp paper submit
12/13 OS Performance analysis Debox paper submit
12/15 Virtual Machine Monitors and review Virtual Machine Monitors paper submit
1/22 Final Exam 2012 Solutions