Princeton University
Computer Science 318
Fall 2011 |
An introduction to operating systems. Emphasis is on the fundamentals of how to design and implement an operating system. Topics include operating system structure, processes, threads, synchronizations, concurrent programming, interprocess communications, virtual memory, I/O device management, and file systems.
Lectures: Tue & Thu 13:30-14:50, Computer Science Building 105
Precept: Tue 19:30-20:30, Computer Science Building 105
Margaret Martonosi :
Computer Science Building 204 : (609) 258-1912 :
Office Hours: Tue 15:00-17:00 or by appointment, in Computer Science Building 204
Vivek Pai : Computer Science Building 322 : (609) 258-2086 : vivek@cs.princeton.eduOffice Hours: Thu 16:00-18:00 or by appointment, in Computer Science Building 322
Undergraduate Coordinator: Colleen Kenny-McGuinley: Computer Science Building 210 : 258-1746 :
Teaching Assistants:
Name | Room | Office hours | |
Mark Browning | | CS bldg 004 | Mon 4:30-6:30pm (Friend 010) |
Xianmin Chen | | Equad B-Wing | Fri 10am-12pm (Friend 010) |
Srinivas Narayana | | CS bldg 314 | Fri 2pm-4pm (Friend 010) |
COS 217 and 226 or instructor's permission.
Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Modern Operating Systems, 3rd edition, Prentice Hall., 2008
The main venue for course announcements and questions will be Piazza: [Enroll in Piazza forum here]
As a backup, some course announcements may be distributed through the course's listserv: