Student Organization Funding

Princeton Computer Science student groups are invited to apply for funding for research, educational pursuits, and professional development activities outside of the classroom. 

Who is eligible?
  • Princeton Computer Science student groups/organizations
  • Participants must include COS majors
  • The activity should have a Computer Science focus
What we will not fund
  • Individual Princeton student requests for undergraduate conference travel, research equipment/materials, books, supplies, computers/computer peripherals
  • Requests for startup funds
  • Funding requests to support an entrepreneurial/business venture
  • Funding requests for independent work/senior thesis research
  • Funding requests that are unrelated to Computer Science activities, events and/or programs
Funding for travel
Application deadlines


  • Application opens: September 1
  • Application deadline: October 15


  • Application opens: January 15
  • Application deadline: February 15
Application process
  • Complete the application form (the form will be linked during the open application periods).
  • Within the form, upload a detailed budget of your proposed expenses
  • Within the form, upload a letter of recommendation from your advisor
Award process

Funds will be transferred to the student organization’s chart string

Post-project requirements
  • Provide a full account of your project expenses and copies of your receipts
  • Return unspent funds via check payable to The Trustees of Princeton University
  • Submit a final project report including a narrative of the research/activities undertaken with the support of the award, photos when possible, and an acknowledgment to the donor of the funds
  • Students may seek supplemental funding from other academic departments and centers
  • Students should look for funding opportunities on SAFE
  • Students can apply for funds from the Keller Center
  • Students should discuss the opportunity with their advisor
  • All activities must be approved by the Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Students
