Research is an integral part of the undergraduate experience in the computer science department at Princeton. All students are required to do some form of independent work and research in close consultation with a faculty adviser.
Given the broad diversity of intellectual problems in computer science, a student’s independent work project can vary widely, from scholarly publications to working software or hardware.
BSE concentrators must complete at least one term of independent work, and may elect to complete additional terms and/or a senior thesis. For AB concentrators, independent work consists of 4 terms of work in their junior and senior years.
The independent work portal is where students will complete an independent work sign-up form and submit assignments.
Questions? All questions related to independent work and theses should be directed to Mikki Hornstein, the Independent Work Coordinator.
2024-2025 Handbook for AB concentrators
2024-2025 Handbook for BSE concentrators
Note: Handbooks for the 2025-2026 academic year will be released after Spring Break.