Conference Funding for Undergrads

The Computer Science Department is pleased to offer domestic travel funding opportunities for COS undergraduate students to attend academic conferences/workshops. Students will be awarded up to $600. A detailed budget must be submitted with the application. 

The COS department typically sponsors group travel to one diversity conference each year (such as the Grace Hopper Celebration or the Tapia Celebration). These opportunities follow a separate process, so please do not use this application for those specific events. Information will be sent to COS undergraduate students as opportunities arise. 

  • Open to all undergraduate COS majors only
  • Open to students who have NOT traveled to a conference on university funds
  • Open to currently enrolled undergraduate students in good academic standing (conference must occur before the student graduates)
  • The conference should have a Computer Science/Technology focus
  • The conference dates cannot conflict with midterm or final exams
  • Applicants must apply for funding through the university before applying for COS department funds:
  • Consult with your advisor.
Application Deadlines & Process  
  • Launch of funding special deadline: December 31st, 2024 for travel before June 30th 2025 - decisions will be shared by January 31st, 2025
  • May 1st for conferences the following fall semester - decisions will be shared by June 15th
  • October 1st for conferences the following spring semester - decisions will be shared by November 15th
Award Process
Spending Guidelines
  • Conference registration fees
  • Economy class travel (flight, train, taxi)
  • Accommodation (hotel, AirBnB)
  • Meals while traveling (a reasonable budget is $15 for breakfast, $25 for lunch and $35 for dinner)
  • No personal expenses
  • All expenses must comply with the University’s travel policy 
Post-Project Requirements  
  • Provide a full account of your project expenses and copies of your receipts. Any unused funds need to be returned to Princeton University.
  • Submit a final project report including a narrative of the research/activities undertaken with the support of the award, photos when possible, and an acknowledgment to the Computer Science department