Declaring Computer Science

How do I know if Computer Science is the right major for me? 

  • Attend one of the Open Houses held each year during spring semester: there is an Open House for BSE students and one for AB students
  • Stop by the COS Advising Fair - April 9, 12:30 - 1:30 pm, Upper Atrium Friend Center.  
  • Make an appointment to meet with your class adviser, who can talk through the course of study with you and sign any forms
  • Read Why COS? Advice from the Computer Science Undergraduate Student Council
  • Review the Independent Work Handbooks for AB and BSE students
  • Read through the Undergrad FAQ for detailed answers to specific questions
  • Speak to your adviser


AB vs. BSE

The Computer Science Department is the only department at Princeton that offers two majors, a Bachelor of Arts (AB) and a Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BSE). Declaring your major is slightly different for each program. 

Most importantly, BSE students declare their major in the spring of their first year on campus, and AB students declare their major in the spring of their second year. The department holds an Open House for students in each degree program in the spring, where students can meet faculty and ask questions. 

AB Students: Steps to Declare

  • Attend the AB Open House - Thursday, March 27, 4:30 pm, Room CS 105
  • Ready to declare? Go to TigerHub to declare your major. The department will have access to your academic records one business day after you complete this form.  Declaration begins March 27 - April 14, 2025.
  • Now that you have declared your major as COS, welcome to Computer Science!
  • Complete your Departmental Academic Planning Form (DAPF) in Tigerhub. Please email your adviser if you require additional advice on courses or independent work.
  • Attend the AB Welcome Meeting - Monday, April 14, 12:30 CS 105
  • Fall Course Selection: After declaring COS and entering your fall courses into the DAPF, you are ready to select courses for the fall semester.
  • Questions?   Contact Laura Cerrito at lcerrito  ( 


BSE students: Steps to Declare

  • Attend BSE Open House, Wednesday, March 26, 6 and 7:30 pm CS 105
  • Review the Fall 2025 course offerings available on the Registrar's website
  • In April, contact your adviser and complete the Pre-Concentration Advising Form on the TigerHub website.
  • Please refer to an email from Traci Miller in SEAS for a link to your adviser's calendar.
  • In April, select courses for the fall semester.
  • In late May, you will confirm your choice of concentration by entering it on the Registrar’s website. The School of Engineering and Applied Sciences will send out information on how to do this.