These opportunities are open to all graduate students.
Siebel Scholars Program
$35K award toward their final year of studies.
Eligible to students entering their final year.
Deadline for advisers to submit nominees to grad coordinator: May 24
Number of nominees per dept: 5
IBM Ph.D. Fellowship
Fellowships vary by country/geographic area, and the students will be informed at the time of the award what the value is for their country/geographic area.
Eligible to Ph.D. students who have completed at least one year of study in their doctoral program.
Deadline for advisers to submit nominees to grad coordinator: February 10
Number of nominees per dept: 3
Apple Scholars in AI/ML PhD Fellowship Program
The Apple Scholars in AI/ML PhD fellowship was created to recognize and support PhD students in Computer Science and related areas who are pursuing research in artificial intelligence and machine learning, with a unique focus on work that is related to Apple’s core values.
Students PhD studies are funded through an unrestricted gift. They are provided with internship opportunities, and mentorship with an Apple researcher in their field.
Number of nominees per University: 3
ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award
Presented annually to the author(s) of the best doctoral dissertation(s) in computer science and engineering. The Doctoral Dissertation Award is accompanied by a prize of $20,000, and the Honorable Mention Award is accompanied by a prize totaling $10,000. Winning dissertations will be published in the ACM Digital Library as part of the ACM Books Series.
Deadline for advisers to submit nominees to grad coordinator: September 30 (anticipated)
Number of nominees per University: 1
The Quad Fellowship
$50K one-time award, plus the opportunity to apply for an additional $25K of need-based funding.
Eligible to students who will be enrolled in the 2023-2024 AY.
Official fellowship deadline: June 30, 2022
Number of nominees per dept: Student applies directly
Hertz Fellowship
The fellowship includes up to five years of funding, valued at up to $250,000.
Eligible to first-year graduate students in applied physical and biological sciences, mathematics, or engineering, who are citizens or permanent residents of the US.
Official fellowship deadline: October 29 (anticipated)
Number of nominees per dept: Student applies directly
Google PhD Fellowship
Two years (possible extension to three), tuition and fees (including books), $34K yearly stipend, internship opportunity, invitation to Google Fellowship Forum.
Eligible to full-time graduate students pursuing a PhD in the research areas represented by the fellowships. Must have completed classes by the time the fellowship starts. Cannot already have another fellowship.
Deadline for advisers to submit nominees to grad coordinator: Spring 2025 (anticipated)
Number of nominees per institution: 4
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (GRFP)
Three years of support over a 5-year fellowship period, $34K annual stipend, $12,000 tuition allowance.
In general, 1st and 2nd year students are eligible to apply.
Official fellowship deadline: October 16, 2023
Number of nominees per dept: Student applies directly
Meta Research PhD Fellowship
2 years, Tuition and fees, $42K stipend, visit to Facebook headquarters for the annual Fellowship Summit (pending COVID-19 restrictions).
Eligible to full-time Ph.D students doing research in Architecture, Computer Vision, Data Mining, Databases, Distributed Systems, Economics and Computation, Human-Computer interaction, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Networking and Operating Systems, Programming Languages, Security and Privacy, Software Engineering.
Official fellowship deadline: September 20 (anticipated)
Number of nominees per dept: Student applies directly
Ford Foundation Fellowships
$27K/year (prethesis) for three years or $28K/yr for 1 year (thesis).
Limited to (1) All citizens or nationals of the United States regardless of race, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, or sexual orientation, (2) Individuals with evidence of superior academic achievement (such as grade point average, class rank, honors or other designations), (3) Individuals committed to a career in teaching and research at the college or university level.
Official fellowship deadline: December 9 (anticipated)
Number of nominees per dept: Student applies directly
Soros Fellowships for New Americans
Two years graduate study in any field. Each award is up to $45K/year: $25K in stipend support and up to $20K in tuition and fees or 50% of required tuition and fees/year.
Eligible to a new American (i.e., If born abroad: a green card holder or naturalized citizen. If born in the US: both parents are immmigrants and at least one is a naturalized citizen). Not yet 31 years old, as of the application date. In your first or second year of graduate student as of the application date.
Official fellowship deadline: October 28 (anticipated)
Number of nominees per dept: Student applies directly
NPSC Graduate Fellowship
$20K stipend/yeard. Initially 2-3 years, renewable to 6 years.
Eligible to U.S. citizens doing Ph.D research.
Official fellowship deadline: December 15
Number of nominees per dept: Student applies directly
NDSEG Fellowship
3 years, $40.8K annual stipend, tuition and fees, $1.4K for health insurance.
Eligible to U.S. citizenship, discipline match, first or second year grad student, and the ability to accept full benefit. You must meet all four requirements in order to be eligible.
Official fellowship deadline: November 19 (anticipated) (opens August 1)
Number of nominees per dept: Student applies directly
SMART Scholarship
Full tuition, stipend $25K-$38K, paid summer internships, health insurance allowwance up to $1,200/year, book allowance of $1K/year, mentoring, employment placement after graduation.
Eligible to U.S. citizenship, grad student in CS (others, as well).
Official fellowship deadline: November 19 (anticipated) (opens August 1)
Number of nominees per dept: Student applies directly
DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellowship (CSGF)
4 years (renewed each year), $38K yearly stipend, all tuition and fees, health insurance, yearly conferences, 12-week research practicum.
Eligible to U.S. citizens or permanent residents, first year PhD students only.
Official fellowship deadline: January 12 (anticipated)
Number of nominees per dept: Student applies directly
NVIDIA Fellowship
1 year, $50K.
Students must have already completed their first year of Ph.D. level studies. Must have majors in CS, Computer Engineering, System Architecture, Electrical Engineering or a related area.
Official fellowship deadline: September 9
Number of nominees per dept: Student applies directly