- Do I need to submit a pre-application? Do you pre-screen applicants?
No, you do not need to submit a pre-application. We do not pre-screen or pre-evaluate applicants.
- Can I start in the spring term? Can I attend part-time, evenings, weekends, or summers?
No, admission to Princeton is for fall only and is full-time. Princeton does not offer evening, weekend, or summer courses.
- Can I transfer credits from another school to Princeton toward receipt of my Ph.D.?
No. All work for the Ph.D. must be done as a Princeton student.
- Do I have to have a master's degree to apply to the Ph.D. program?
No. Most of our applicants come directly from a bachelor's degree program.
- If I apply for the Ph.D. program and am not accepted, will you still consider me for the master's program?
No. We will only consider you for the degree track to which you have applied.
- Does my undergraduate degree have to be in Computer Science?
No. Normally, however, our applicants have a degree in computer science, engineering, or mathematics.
- What materials are required with my application?
We require transcripts, TOEFL or IELTS (international students only), and three letters of recommendation. In addition, each candidate is asked to write a personal statement of interest as part of the application packet. Please complete all sections of the application. The institution code for TOEFL is 2672. No department code is required.
NOTE: It is important that all materials reach us by the application deadline in order for your application to receive full consideration. The only exception is computer-based test scores for tests taken in early December. Late or missing materials will seriously hurt your chance for admission. It is your responsibility to see that we receive all materials on time.
- I applied last year and was not accepted. I want to reapply. What do I need to do?
Applicants who applied the previous year may reapply the following year. However you must complete a new application. On the first page of the application you will be asked if you have applied before. In addition, you must submit transcripts of any academic work accomplished since the date of the last application, register three recommenders, and a revised personal statement. All materials, including the application fee, are due by the application deadline.
- Where should my application materials be submitted?
All materials should be submitted to the Office of Graduate Admissions. Please do not send anything directly to the department.
- Can the application fee be waived?
Applicants may be eligible to request a fee waiver based on the following criteria: financial hardship, participation in a program (past or present), or attending a recruiting event (received an event fee waiver code).
We would never want the application fee to pose a barrier to an applicant interested in applying. For this reason, applicants who are experiencing financial constraints can indicate they are experiencing financial hardship as their reason for requesting a fee waiver. They will be asked to provide a brief explanation of their circumstances on the Application Fee Waiver Request page when they apply. Please visit the Graduate School Admission website to learn more. If you have any questions about application fee waivers, please contact the Graduate School Admission Office via email.
- Will you still review my application if I do not pay the fee?
Applications cannot be submitted without payment.
- I haven't finished my degree yet. What transcript should I submit? What about GPA?
Your current transcript should be submitted with your application. If you are admitted to Princeton, you will be required to submit a final transcript and proof of receipt of degree before you can register in the Fall. If your school calculates GPA on other than a 4.0 scale, include a statement of GPA with your application.
- What about midyear grades?
Students are able to upload their midyear grades to their applications at any time through their submitted application checklist.
- Do you require official transcripts?
At the time of application, transcripts do not need to be official. Only if you are offered admission and accept our offer will you be required to submit official final transcripts
For more information, please visit https://gradschool.princeton.edu/transcripts.
- What should be in the personal statement?
The statement should not exceed 1,000 words and should describe your academic and career plans as they relate to the department, and specifically to the area(s) of computer science you are interested in studying.
- Is the GRE general exam required?
We are no longer either requiring or accepting GRE general exam scores.
- What is the Institution Code for Princeton? Do I need to use a department code? What if I put a department code - will you still get my scores?
The Institution Code is 2672. We do not require a department code. If you enter one we will still receive your scores.
- Must I submit TOEFL or IELTS?
The following PhD applicants are not required to submit English language test scores:
- Applicants whose primary language is English. Primary language is defined as the language that someone communicates in most frequently and in most situations when speaking, reading, and writing.
- Applicants whose undergraduate instruction is entirely in English as certified by the institution and for whom the degree will be awarded prior to anticipated enrollment at Princeton.
- Applicants whose graduate study was on a full-time basis for at least one year where instruction is entirely in English as certified by the institution.
The following MSE applicants are not required to submt English languate test scores:
- Applicants who are from or pursued their undergraduate degree in the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, or Anglophone Canada.
All other applicants must submit valid TOEFL or IELTS scores (PhD applicants may also submit DET scores).
More information can be found here.
- What is the minimum score for TOEFL? for IELTS?
Ph.D. applicants: The Graduate School has not set a recommended minimum score on the iBT. However, the following information may be useful. Over the last two admission seasons the average iBT TOEFL combined score for admitted students was 108, with the following average sub-scores: Listening 28, Reading 29, Speaking 24, and Writing 27. Furthermore, data from the University's English Language Program indicates that of newly enrolling internationals students, those who score below 20 on the Speaking subsection of iBT TOEFL are virtually certain to have to take an English language course during their first year of graduate study to bring their spoken proficiency up to a minimum standard. Students choosing to submit IELTS must take the Academic Test version.
Masters applicants: Masters applicants who are required to take the TOEFL must score a minimum of 28 on the spoken part of the TOEFL in order to be considered for the program. The IELTS equivalent to the TOEFL is an 8 on the speaking sub-section.
- Is there an English language requirement?
Yes. All non-native English speakers applying to the PhD program who score less than 27 on the Speaking Section of the TOEFL or 8 on the IELTS must pass Princeton's Oral Proficiency Test (POPT). The SPEAK test is given at the beginning of the first year. Students who do not pass this must take additional English classes and retake the POPT. Students who do not pass the POPT by the end of year 1 will not be readmitted for a second year of graduate study.
Masters applicants: Masters applicants who are required to take the TOEFL must score a minimum of 28 on the spoken part of the TOEFL in order to be considered for the program. The IELTS equivalent to the TOEFL is an 8 on the speaking sub-section.
- What about financial aid?
All Ph.D. candidates are considered for university financial awards. These awards generally consist of tuition and health fee plus a monthly stipend for the 10 month academic year. We also encourage applicants to apply for any fellowships for which they are eligible, i.e., NSF, NDSEG, or comparable international fellowships. Summer support is determined separately. Financial support for students is reviewed each year.
Master's candidates are normally offered financial aid via teaching assistantships (if available). Non-native English speakers must pass the University's English screening exam before they can be offered a teaching assistantship.
- How will I know if all my application materials have been received?
Applicants who use the online application will be able to use "track your status" to see what materials have been received. We are unable to track materials for applicants who print out the application and send it in.
- When does application review begin?
All applications are first processed by the Office of Graduate Admissions. The department will receive all files together in mid-January.
- When will I know your decision?
We make our final decisions in mid-February. Admits will be notified by email from the department by the end of February. All other applicants will be notified by the Graduate School by mid-March.
- Who can I contact if I have specific questions?
Contact our graduate coordinators at gradinfo@cs.princeton.edu.