2021 IEEE 5G World Forum
Jack Brassil, Investigating Integrated Access and Backhaul on the Aether 5G Testbed , 2021 IEEE 4th 5G World Forum (5GWF), Montreal, Canada, 13-15 Oct. 2021.
GitHub Project: Integrated IAB on the Aether Testbed
Read the 2021 5G-WF paper to get started. Then read the file to learn how to deploy the experiment scripts on Aether.
2020 IEEE 5G World Forum
Jack Brassil, Irene Kopaliani, CloudJoin: Experimenting at scale with Hybrid Cloud Computing, 2020 IEEE 3rd 5G World Forum (5GWF), Bangalore, India, 10-12 Sept. 2020.
CloudLab software:
Read the 2020 5G-WF paper to get started. Create an experiment; a minimal experiment profile can be found at cloudjoin3. Instantiate a bare metal node or VM using the publicly available image cloudlab5.[vpn|vm]. A c8220 class machine was tested with the public image. You will find the strongswan VPN to be a running service, and helpful configuration resources in /var/local/jbrass0.