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Graduate Alumni


Christian Bell

Adviser: Walker, David
Degree: PhD, 2014 , Thesis: A Proof Theory for Loop-Parallelizing Transformations

Akshay Mittal

Adviser: Walker, David
Degree: MEng, 2014

Yi-Hsien Lin

Adviser: Appel, Andrew
Degree: MSE, 2014

Adrian Soviani

Adviser: Jaswinder Singh
Degree: PhD, 2014 , Thesis: A Hybrid SPMD - Coarse Grain Dataflow Parallel Programming Model

Kevin Lee

Adviser: Freedman, Michael
Degree: PhD, 2022
Degree: MEng, 2014

Jennifer Guo

Adviser: Fiebrink, Rebecca
Degree: MEng, 2014

Margo Flynn

Adviser: Appel, Andrew
Degree: MEng, 2014

Christian Eubank

Adviser: Narayanan, Arvind
Degree: MSE, 2014

Scott Erickson

Adviser: Freedman, Michael
Degree: MSE, 2014

Huy Nguyen

Adviser: Charikar, Moses
Degree: PhD, 2014 , Thesis: Algorithms for High Dimensional Data

Jingwan Lu

Adviser: Finkelstein, Adam
Degree: PhD, 2014 , Thesis: Data-driven Digital Drawing and Painting

Wenhao Jia

Adviser: Martonosi, Margaret
Degree: PhD, 2014

David Shue

Adviser: Freedman, Michael
Degree: PhD, 2014 , Thesis: Multi-tenant Resource Allocation For Shared Cloud Storage

Madhuvanthi Jayakumar

Adviser: Pai, Vivek
Degree: MSE, 2014

Yuri Pritykin

Adviser: Singh, Mona
Degree: PhD, 2014 , Thesis: Classifications of protein roles in the functional organization of the cell

Sachin Ravi

Adviser: Li, Kai
Degree: PhD, 2019
Degree: MSE, 2014


Siyu Liu

Adviser: Rusinkiewicz, Szymon
Degree: MSE, 2013 , Thesis: Localization by Feature matching in Near-Random Textures

Siddhartha Sen

Advisers: Tarjan, Robert, Freedman, Michael
Degree: PhD, 2013 , Thesis: New Systems and Algorithms for Scalable Fault Tolerance

Sasha Koruga

Adviser: Olga Troyanskaya
Degree: MSE, 2013 , Thesis: BioTurk: Crowd-Sourcing Biological Pathways

Arpan Ghosh

Adviser: Mung Chiang
Degree: MSE, 2013 , Thesis: Twicker: Tracking the Pulse of Business with Twitter

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