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Spotlight Stories

This page contains a list of spotlighted stories sorted by date. Click each title to read the full story.

Research centers on wireless computer networks

September 2015

Researchers find ways to remove distractions from photos

September 2015

30 Years and Still on a Roll

August 2015
Photo by Claire Felten, offered under Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution license

Comes in as Deputy Chief Technology Officer

May 2015

A multi-year effort by researchers from Princeton and other universities and medical schools 

April 2015

Brings experience in cybersecurity and communications networks

February 2015

Previously a department head at NEC Labs America; read more about Aarti

February 2015

Becomes deputy director for genomics at the Simons Center for Data Analysis

January 2015

Using a game to map the Human brain's neural network.

January 2015

Software enables rapid creations

December 2014

Using computer science to improve an artist's creative tools.

November 2014

Computers that recognize everyday objects

November 2014
Spotlight - Khot Wins Nevanlinna Prize

Khot becomes CS Department’s third winner of Nevanlinna Prize.

October 2014
Spotlight - Three new faculty hires

Barbara Engelhardt, Richard Socher, and Elad Hazan join the department

October 2014
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