The Association for Computing Machinery’s Council on Women in Computing named Professor Jennifer Rexford the 2016-2017 Athena Lecturer. This award celebrates women computer scientists who have made fundamental contributions to the field. Rexford is recognized for innovations that improved the efficiency of the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) in routing Internet traffic, for laying the groundwork for software-defined networks (SDNs) and for contributions in measuring and engineering IP networks. These contributions greatly enhanced the stability and flow of Internet transmissions, and make data networks easier to design, understand and manage.
Last month, the ACM featured Professor Rexford in their People of the ACM series, which profiles individuals whose stories are a source of inspiration for the computing community.
Network World hightlights this honor and links to this 2013 video where Professor Rexford discusses her BGP work with Professor Nick McKeown for Stanford's CS114 course.