Lecture Schedule

In the table below, ``text'' refers to Sanjeev Arora's and Boaz Barak's Computational Complexity: A Modern Approach printed textbook.
Reading material labeled with ★ is optional.

Lecture 1
Feb 4
Welcome! Introduction to the course's topics
The P and NP complexity classes, the P vs NP problem.
Approaches for proving P ≠ NP (diagonalizations, circuit lower bounds).
text §1,2,3
Avi's book §2,3
Lecture 2
Feb 6
Benefiting from P ≠ NP (cryptography, hardness vs randomness).
Proof systems (PCP, IP=PSPACE, zero knowledge).
Lecture 3
Feb 11
Interactive Proofs
Ex: Graph Non-Isomorphism (§8.1.3), Quadratic Non-Residuosity (ex 8.9).
Goldwasser-Sipser GNI protocol (thm 8.13), the AM complexity class (§8.2).
text §8
Lecture 4
Feb 13
The complexity class IP (§8.2.1).
The complexity class #P (informal ★§17.2).
#SAT ⊆ IP and the SumCheck protocol (§8.3.1, 8.3.2).
text §8,★17.2
Lecture 5
Feb 18
The SumCheck protocol - soundness (§8.3.2).
The complexity classes PSPACE and NPSPACE (def 4.1, §4.1.1).
text §8,4.1
Lecture 6
Feb 20
TQBF is PSPACE-complete (statement only, thm 4.13).
PSPACE and two-players games (§4.2.2).
PSPACE ⊆ IP (thm 8.19). Program checking (§8.7).
text §8,4
Lecture 7
Feb 25
Complexity classes' diagram.
Survey of IP related topics.

Zero Knowledge Proofs
Def: Honest verifier zero knowledge.
Ex: Honest verifier zero knowledge protocol for GNI.
Def: Perfect zero knowlege (PZK) (def 9.14).
Ex: PKZ protocol for Graph Isomorphism (ex 9.15).

text §9.4
Lecture notes by Ran Canetti and Alon Rosen (§3, until §3.1)
Lecture notes by Rafael Pass and Abhi Shelat (§4)
Lecture 8
Feb 27
Ex: PKZ protocol for Graph Isomorphism - analysis (ex 9.15).
Def: Computational zero knowledge (CZK).
CZK protocol for 3COLORING (implying NP ⊆ CZK).
Survey of ZK applications.
Lecture notes by Ran Canetti and Alon Rosen (§3, until §3.1)
Lecture notes by Rafael Pass and Abhi Shelat (§4)
Lecture 9
March 3
The PCP Theorem
Definitions and statement of the PCP thm (def 11.4, thm 11.5).
Easy direction of the PCP thm: PCP[O(logn, O(1))] ⊆ NP.
Ex: GNI ∈ PCP[poly(n),1] (ex 11.7).
Optimization problems, approximation algorithms (def 11.1).
Ex: MAX-Vertex-Cover 2-approx (ex 11.3), MAX-3SAT 7/8-approx (ex 11.2).
text §8,11
Lecture 10
March 5
Gap problems (definition 11.13).
NP-hardness of Gap-3SAT implies hardness of approx for MAX-3SAT.
The PCP Theorem as the NP-hardness of Gap-3SAT (section 11.3.1).
Lecture notes 1 by Dana Moshkovitz
Lecture 11
March 10
Ex: Hardness of approx for independent set (section 11.4).
Definition of two-provers game.
The PCP theorem as two-provers one-round game.
Lecture notes by Boaz Barak
Lecture 12
March 12
The PCP theorem as two-provers one-round game.
The two-provers parallel repetition theorem (statement only) and strong PCP.
Error correcting codes, linear error correcting codes.
The Hadamard error correcting code.
Lecture notes by Boaz Barak

Lecture 13
March 24
Thm: NP ⊆ PCP[O(log(n)),polylog(n)].
Proof Step 1 - NP ⊆ PCP[O(n),O(n)], verifier performs quadratic tests.
Proof Step 2 - NP ⊆ PCP[O(log(n)),O(n)], verifier performs quadratic tests.
Low degree extensions.
Lecture notes 2 by Dana Moshkovitz
Lecture 14
March 26
Proof Step 3 - PCP for Sum Check.
Line vs. point low degree test (overview only).
Lecture notes 2 by Dana Moshkovitz
Lecture notes 3 by Dana Moshkovitz