
Problem sets will be published on Piazza resources and typed assignments should be submitted to GradeScope. Please create a GradeScope account and use the entry code MXN7W5 to join the class. Please submit your solutions to GradeScope is as a single pdf file. After you upload your file, the system will ask you to mark the page(s) where your answer to each of the questions in the assignment appears, please do so to allow a more efficient grading process. Please post assignments-related questions on Piazza (preferably as a public message), or see the TAs at office hours. Once your assignment is graded, you will receive an email form GradeScope. You can view your graded assignments and ask for a regrade using the system.

Assignments are due at 10:59pm, but the GradeScope server will be set to 11:59pm to allow a 1 hour grace period for cases of technical difficulties (server down, Internet outage, etc.). Assignments submitted after 11:59pm the day the assignment is due will be marked late. Assignments submitted less than 24 hours after the late mark (11:59pm the day the assignment is due) will be considered one day late, etc.. The GradeScope server will close at 11:59 three days after the day the assignment is due. GradeScope does not enforce our max 5 late days policy. The calculation of late days and penalties will be done at the end of the semester. The grading process only starts once the GradeScope server closes. You may update your submission as long as the GradeScope server is open. Your final submission will be the one graded and late days will be calculated accordingly.

March 3 March 20 Problem Set 1 Submit!