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cos 495 - Autonomous Robot Navigation
The last 1-2 hours of each class will consist of lab work. Students must present experiment results on the final day of each lab, and hand in a lab write-up one week after the final day of each lab.
The robot used for this course is the X80 developed by Dr Robot. A manual with documentation for programming can be found here.
There are several files required for running the base codes on your personal computer. For Windows XP, install packages from here. Open up the software folder and run the setup file.
For Windows 7, two packages from Dr. Robot are required. They can be installed in this order: First Install, then Second Install. Open up the software folder and run the setup file. Please do not install Dr. Robot's Windows 7 installation which doesn't work with our robots.
If you need MVS, you can download from Princeton's msdnaa site.
Fri. Sept. 16: Lab 00 Introduction to the Iver2 AUV: Manual 00,
Mon. Sept. 19: Lab 01 AUV Yaw Control: Slides 01, Manual 01, Base Code 01
Mon. Sept. 26: Lab 02 AUV Point Tracking Manual 02
Mon. Sept. 26: Lab 03 AUV Navigation Manual 03
Mon. Oct. 10: Lab 04 Introduction to the X80: Manual 04, Base Code 04
Mon. Oct. 17: Lab 05 Odometry Localization: Manual 05
Mon. Nov. 7: Lab 06 Point Tracking: Manual 06
Mon. Nov. 21: Lab 07 PF Localization: Manual 07
Wed. Dec. 11: Lab 08 Motion Planning : Manual 08