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cos 495 - Autonomous Robot Navigation
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This course will introduce students to a variety of autonomous mobile robots, but concentrate on wheeled robots and underwater robots. In particular students will experiment with and compete with the OceanServer Iver2 Autonomous Underwater Vehicle and Dr Robot X80 robots. Topics to be covered include robot platforms & modeling, control structures, sensing & estimation, localization, and motion planning. The course has a heavy experimental component that involves students programming the robots.
Dr. Christopher Clark is a visiting Professor from California Polytechnic State University. His research and teaching interests include autonomous systems, mobile robots, multi-robot systems, and underwater robotics. Much of his recent work includes deploying underwater robots on international field expeditions to aid scientists from other fields. For more details, visit the LAIR (Lab for Autonomous and Intelligent Robotics).
August 3, 2011
Welcome, the Fall 2011 course page is still under construction but feel free to browse!