Workshop on Connections between Theory of Computing and Mechanism Design

Call for Posters

We solicit posters to be presented during the workshop. Unpublished work, or work that was published recently outside of STOC/FOCS, will be considered. Preference will be given to works that expose connections between Theoretical Computer Science and Mechanism Design.

Posters submitted to STOC'17 (that are not accepted papers at STOC) or EC' 17 can be resubmitted to the workshop.

Poster boards will be provided. Posters may be in either landscape or portrait format, but should be at most 45 inches wide and at most 45 inches tall to fit on the posterboards. Suggested poster sizes are 36"x45" or 45"x36".

To submit a poster, please email Yang Cai ( with the proposed paper attached or linked. Please include an abstract and bibliographic information.