All events will take place remotely, and all times listed below and in any emails are ET.
Monday, June 15th.
9.00 - 11.00: "How to..." Talk. Moderator: Matt Weinberg, Slides This talk will cover non-technical aspects of being a successful member of the EC community. Zoom link will be sent to participants by email.
11.00 - 21.00: Scattered small group activies. If you registered, you should receive one email for the Talk Dissection, and one email for the Faculty AMA.
11.00 - 21.00: Scattered social activities. If you registered, you should have received a link to the social spreadsheet via email.
21.00 - 23.00: "How to..." Talk. Moderator: Raf Frongillo, Slides, More Slides This talk will cover non-technical aspects of being a successful member of the EC community (similar content to the 9am talk). Zoom link will be sent to participants by email.
Tuesday, June 16th.
All day: Scattered social activities. If you registered, you should have received a link to the social spreadsheet via email.
Please also note that some introductory technical material was suggested by the faculty volunteers, and is stored here.