Teaching and Service


TA for COS 324 (Introduction to ML) in Fall 2020 and Fall 2021 at Princeton.
I received a Graduate School Teaching Award for my work in Fall 2020 and served as the Head TA in Fall 2021.

McGraw Teaching Transcript Program
I am in the process of obtaining the McGraw Teaching Transcript. The program requires completing pedagogical workshops, participating in a class observation, and developing a complete syllabus for a class along with a statement of teaching philosophy.

McGraw Teaching Fellow
As a McGraw Teaching Fellow, I train new TAs and help develop the training program.


I am actively looking to dedicate more time to service in the form of mentorship. If you are running any such program and need mentors, please email me!

I helped start and run the Princeton Language and Intelligence (PLI) group meeting and our online Princeton AI Alignment and Safety Seminar (PASS). If you are interested in visiting Princeton and giving a talk about your research in either venue, please reach out to me!

Conference workshops I've co-organized:

  1. Mathematical and Empirical Understanding of Foundation Models (ME-FoMo) (ICLR 2024).
  2. Attributing Model Behavior at Scale (NeurIPS 2024).
  3. Mathematics of Modern Machine Learning (M3L) (NeurIPS 2024).

TA for New Horizons in Theoretical Computer Science 2021.
The summer school emphasizes exposing undergraduate students (especially those from underrepresented groups) to prominent research areas in TCS. I worked with and mentored a small group of students.

Outstanding reviewer (top 10%) at ICML 2022.

2022 IAS Program for Women and Mathematics (WAM)
I helped read applications for the program, which focused on machine learning.

Workshop on the Mathematical Quest for Deep Learning at 9th HLF.
I attended the 9th Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF) and co-hosted a workshop on the quest for a mathematical understanding of deep learning alongside Sanjeev Arora.