Sadhika Malladi

Sadhika Malladi

I am a PhD student in computer science at Princeton University, where I work on theoretical machine learning with Sanjeev Arora. My work focuses on using mathematical insights into deep learning (especially language models) to design and analyze performant and efficient algorithms.

I graduated from MIT in 2019 with a degree in mathematics and philosophy. During my undergraduate studies, I also worked on language modeling at OpenAI in 2018 and 2019.

You can reach me at [my first initial][my last name] (at) princeton (dot) edu.

Seminars. I co-organized the ICLR 2024 ME-FoMo workshop on understanding foundation models. More regularly, I run the Princeton Language and Intelligence (PLI) group meeting and our online Princeton AI Alignment and Safety Seminar (PASS). If you are interested in visiting Princeton and giving a talk about your research in either venue, please reach out to me!

Miscellaneous. In my free time, I like to ride my bike, read, and watch sports. My Google scholar page is here. I adapted this website from Gregory Gunderson.