This page contains the programming assignments for this course. The assignment specification describes the technical requirements of the programming assignment; the FAQ answers frequently asked questions. Below the list of assignments, you will find the course policies regarding assignments.
1 | Sunday 7/7 |
Hello, World Your first program. |
individual |
FAQ Project Submit! |
2 | Sunday 7/14 |
Conditionals Write programs that use data types and conditionals. |
partner |
FAQ Project Submit! |
3 | Sunday 7/21 |
Loops Write programs to play sound using loops. |
partner |
FAQ Project Submit! |
4 | Sunday 7/28 |
Arrays Write programs that use arrays. |
partner |
FAQ Project Submit! |
5 | Sunday 8/4 |
Input and Output Write programs that use text, graphics, pictures, and sound. |
partner |
FAQ Project Submit! |
6 | Sunday 8/11 |
Functions Write functions to synthesize sound. |
partner |
FAQ Project Submit! |
Partnering. On an assignment that permit partnering, you may work jointly with one classmate to complete the assignment. Both partners must work together on all parts of the assignment.
Submission. Submit your solutions electronically via the TigerFile submission system, using your Princeton NetID and password for authentication. You may resubmit files without penalty up until the submission deadline, which is every Sunday at 2pm.
Submission with a partner. On assignments that permit working with a partner, you must register your partnership in TigerFile. Either partner may submit files. Both partners receive the same score.
Check all submitted files. Clicking the Check All Submitted Files button compiles your files, runs a battery of unit tests, and reports the results.
Grading. Your code will be graded for correctness, clarity, and style. Partial credit is available for a partially complete assignment; please explain the situation in your readme.txt file.