signatureThe Pack{N}Big and Pack{N}Little structures provide facilities for packing and unpacking N-bit word elements into Word8 vectors. The Pack{N}Big structures perform big-endian packing and unpacking, and the Pack{N}Little structures perform little-endian packing and unpacking. In a big-endian system, the word order is high-byte/low-byte; in a little-endian system, it is low-byte/high-byte.
signature PACK_WORD
structure Pack{N}Big
structure Pack{N}Little
val bytesPerElem : int
val isBigEndian : bool
val subVec : (Word8Vector.vector * int) -> LargeWord.word
val subVecX : (Word8Vector.vector * int) -> LargeWord.word
val subArr : (Word8Array.array * int) -> LargeWord.word
val subArrX : (Word8Array.array * int) -> LargeWord.word
val update : (Word8Array.array * int * LargeWord.word) -> unit
subVec (vec, i)
subVecX (vec, i)
vec[bytesPerElem*i .. bytesPerElem*i+bytesPerElem-1]
of the vector vec and converts it into a word according to the endianess of the structure. The subVecX version extends the sign bit (most significant bit) when converting the subvector to a word. Raise exception Subscript if i < 0, or if (Word8Vector.length
(vec) / bytesPerElem
) <= i.
subArr (arr, i)
subArrX (arr, i)
arr[bytesPerElem*i .. bytesPerElem*i+bytesPerElem-1]
of the array arr and converts it into a word according to the endianess of the structure. The subArrX version extends the sign bit (most significant bit) when converting the subarray into a word. Raises exception Subscript if i < 0 or if (Word8Array.length
(arr) / bytesPerElem
) <= i.
update (arr, i, j)
through bytesPerElem*(i+1)-1
of the array arr, according to the structure's endianess. Raises exception Subscript if i < 0 or if (Word8Array.length
(arr) / bytesPerElem
) <= i.
Last Modified January 9, 1997
Copyright © 1996 AT&T