Implementing a high-performance key-value store using a trie of B+-Trees with cursors

Report ID: TR-004-18
Author: Adewale, Oluwatosin
Date: 2018-05-04
Pages: 42
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Abstract In this paper, we discuss the implementation of a serial main-memory key-value store based on Masstree[6]. Similar to Masstree, the key-value store is implemented as a trie-like tree of B+-Trees, where each B+-Tree is responsible for a xed-length slice of a variable-length key. However, one of the major di erences between our key-value store and Masstree is that our B+-tree implementation (a component of the key-value store) takes linear time to insert a set of sorted records. This is compared to a traditional B+-tree implementation that would take linearithmic time. Moreover, partially sorting a sequence of operation leads to substantial performance gains. This is made possible using a data structure for navigating B+-trees called a B+-tree cursor. As our next operation is amortized constant time, our B+-tree does not need to maintain cross links between leaf nodes. We also briefy show that this same data structure can be extended to the trie of B+-Trees to ensure amortized linear time for bulk insertion of key-value pairs in the key-value store. We were inspired with this idea of B+-Tree cursors from the SQLite [5] B-tree source code.