Boosted Stochastic Backpropagation for Variational Inference
Report ID: TR-006-17Author: Jerfel, Ghassen
Date: 2017-05-24
Pages: 53
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Variational inference has risen in popularity with the advent of deep generative models due to its ecient and scalable approximation of the posterior distribution. However, VI is not generally guaranteed to capture the true posterior. In this paper, we propose a mixture-based non-parametric variational inference algorithm. We prove a convergence to the true posterior in O(1=t) where t is the number of mixture components. Using a mixture of Gaussians as the variational approximation, we propose boosted stochastic backpropagation where we derive tractable approximations and practical insights to avoid numerical instability when learning a new component in the mini-batch setting. We then use boosted stochastic backpropagation as an unsupervised boosting meta-algorithm for non-parametric density estimation and apply it to Variational Autoencoders. We empirically demonstrate the advantage of exible and multimodal posterior approximations in density estimation on MNIST.