An Information-Theoretic Approach for Detecting Edits in AI-Generated Text

Alon Kipnis

We propose a method to determine whether a given article was written entirely by a generative language model or perhaps contains edits by a different author, possibly a human. Our process involves multiple tests for the origin of individual sentences or other pieces of text and combining these tests using a method sensitive to alternatives in which non-null effects are few and scattered across the text in unknown locations. Interestingly, this method is also useful for identifying pieces of text suspected to contain edits. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the method in detecting edits through extensive evaluations using real data and provide an information-theoretic analysis of the factors affecting its success. In particular, we discuss optimality properties under a theoretical framework for text editing saying that sentences are generated mainly by the language model, except perhaps for a few sentences that might have originated via a different mechanism. Our analysis raises several interesting research questions at the intersection of information theory and data science.

Bio: Alon Kipnis is a Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at the School of Computer Science at Reichman University. He received a PhD in electrical engineering from Stanford University in 2017. Between 2017-2021 he was a postdoctoral research scholar and a lecturer at the Department of Statistics at Stanford, advised by David Donoho. Dr. Kipnis' research combines mathematical statistics, information theory, and data science with applications to the analysis of noisy and sparse data in high dimensions, time-series, and text. He is the recipient of numerous fellowships and awards, including the Koret foundation postdoctoral fellowship, Stanford's electrical engineering department fellowship, and a prize from the Wolf Foundation.

Electrical and Computer Engineering (Andrea Goldsmith)
Date and Time
Friday February 7, 2025 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Computer Science Small Auditorium (Room 105)
Event Type
Alon Kipnis, from Reichman University
Andrea Goldsmith, Electrical and Computer Engineering

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