NSF Fellowship Recipients
Congratulations to this year’s NSF Fellowship recipients. The NSF Fellowship recognizes top students across the sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics who are perusing masters and doctoral degrees at US institutions. We had an amazing number of undergraduate alumni and current grad students be recognized.
This year’s recipients included Jennifer Gossels, advised by Prof. Jennifer Rexford; Anna Kornfeld Simpson’14, currently studying at the University of Washington; and David Fridovich- Keil’15. Honorable mentions include Ryan Beckett, advised by Prof. David Walker; Benjamin Jones, advised by Prof. Nick Feamster; Ami Tai, advised by Prof. Michael Freedman; Jane E’12, currently at Stanford University; Michael Zhu’13, currently at Stanford University, and Joseph McMahan’13, currently at the University of California- Santa Barbara.
See the NSF website for a full list of honorees.