Princeton Robotics
Princeton Robotics Seminar - Unlocking Agility, Safety, and Resilience for Legged Navigation: Addressing Real-world Challenges in Uncertain Environments
PhD students and postdocs can signup to join Ye for lunch here. There will also be a Robotics Social at 4:00 PM in the F-Wing Cafe Area - all are welcome to attend!
Princeton Robotics Seminar - Enabling Cross-Embodiment Learning
In this talk, I will investigate the problem of learning manipulation
Princeton Robotics - Ensuring Robot Safety Through Safety Index Synthesis
Safety Index is a special class of high order control barrier funct
Princeton Robotics Seminar - Unlocking Agility, Safety, and Resilience for Legged Navigation: Addressing Real-world Challenges in Uncertain Environments
PhD students and postdocs can signup to join Ye for lunch here. There will also be a Robotics Social at 4:00 PM in the F-Wing Cafe Area - all are welcome to attend!
Princeton Robotics Seminar - Autonomy in the Human World: Developing Robots that Handle the Diversity of Human Lives
Reliable operation in everyday human environments – homes, offices, and businesses – remains elusive for today’s robotic systems.
Princeton Robotics Seminar: Resilient Coordination in Networked Multi-Robot Teams
Multi-robot systems are becoming more pervasive all around us, in the form of fleets of autonomous vehicles, future delivery drones, and robotic teammates for search and rescue.