8pm, Thursday January 18th, 2007
Taplin Auditorium, Princeton University
The Princeton Laptop Orchestra (PLOrk) presents an evening of new music, composed and performed by members of the Fall 2006 PLOrk ensemble and seminar, featuring works and performances by:
Perry R. Cook | MR Daniel | Scott Elmegreen | Rebecca Fiebrink| John Fontein | Michael Hammond | Anne Hege | Matt Hoffman |Laurie Hollander | Andrea Mazzariello | Ananya Misra | Spencer Salazar | Scott Smallwood | Alan Tormey | Ge Wang | Samson Young
Directed by Perry Cook and Ge Wang
The event is free and open to the public.
Event Info
The Princeton Laptop Orchestra (PLOrk) is a newly established ensemble of computer-based musical meta-instruments. Each instrument consists of a laptop, a multi-channel hemispherical speaker, and a variety of control devices (keyboards, graphics tablets, sensors, etc...). The students who make up the ensemble act as performers, researchers, composers, and software developers.
More Info
Princeton Laptop Orchestra Winter Concert: January 18th, 2007
January 9, 2007
News Body