Princeton CS students’ BlockX team win TigerLaunch competition

April 16, 2018
News Body

Story by Benjamin Ball

A team of computer science majors and entrepreneurs from the University are the winners of the TigerLaunch competition, the nation’s largest student-run entrepreneurship competition.

Richard Adjei, Felix Madutsa, Avthar Sewrathan
Left to right: Richard Adjei '18, Felix Madutsa '18, Avthar Sewrathan '18
Photo by Benjamin Ball

The team of Felix Madutsa ’18, Avthar Sewrathan ’18, and Richard Adjei ’18 are the founders of the company BlockX, whose primary product is Afari, a decentralized social network meant to protect users’ data and information and maintain privacy by using technology called blockchain.

The competition was hosted on-campus in the Frist Campus Center and Frick Chemistry Laboratory. On Saturday, April 14, BlockX and winning teams from the Seattle, New York, Chicago, and Paris semi-finals pitched ideas to a panel of judges, attempting to show their products' worth and potential.

Click here for the full story.