Congratulations to Naga Katta, Omid Alipourfard, Professor Jennifer Rexford, and Professor David Walker for receiving Best Paper Award at the Symposium on SDN Research (SOSR) in Santa Clara. Their paper, titled “CacheFlow: Dependency-Aware Rule-Caching for Software-Defined Networks”, presents a rule caching system for implementing network policies on commodity switches with limited memory. The system use novel algorithms to only cache important policy rules in the switch hardware while complying with cross-rule dependencies and without need for changes to network control applications.
Naga Katta is a 5th year PhD in CS writing a thesis on building reliable and efficient software-defined networks under the advisement of Professors Rexford and Walker. Alipourfard who was a visiting scholar in Professor Rexford's group is now pursuing his PhD at The University of Southern California under Professor Minlan Yu*11, a PhD graduate from Rexford's group.
Katta, Alipourfard, Rexford, and Walker receive Best Paper Award at SOSR
March 31, 2016
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