Recognition of Faces, Activities and Environments
J. K. Aggarwal is on the faculty of The University of Texas at Austin College of Engineering and is currently a Cullen Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Director of the Computer and Vision Research Center. His research interests include computer vision, pattern recognition and image processing focusing on human motion.
A Fellow of IEEE (1976), IAPR (1998) and AAAS (2005), he received the Senior Research Award of the American Society of Engineering Education in 1992, the 1996 Technical Achievement Award of the IEEE Computer Society and the graduate teaching award at The University of Texas at Austin in 1992. More recently, he is the recipient of the 2004 K S FU prize of the International Association for Pattern Recognition, the 2005 Kirchmayer Graduate Teaching Award of the IEEE and the 2007 Okawa Prize of the Okawa Foundation of Japan.. He is a Life Fellow of IEEE and Golden Core member of IEEE Computer Society. He has authored and edited a number of books, chapters, proceedings of conferences, and papers.