"To the first machine that can appreciate the gesture:" Nicholas Negroponte and the MIT Architecture Machine Group
Molly Wright Steenson is a Ph.D. candidate in Princeton University’s School of Architecture where she researches the history of architecture and information. In January 2013, she will join the faculty of the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the School of Journalism & Mass Communication, where she will focus on digital media studies. Steenson was also a professor at the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea in Italy. As a design researcher, she examines the effect of personal technology on its users, with recent projects in India and China for Microsoft Research and Intel Research and ReD Asscoiates. Prior to her scholarly career, Molly started working with the Web in 1994, producing sites and leading design strategy for Reuters, Netscape, and Razorfish. She holds a Master’s in Environmental Design from the Yale School of Architecture and a B.A. in German from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.