ExtractRunning Coq Programs in OCaml

Coq's Extraction feature enables you to write a functional program inside Coq, use Coq's logic to prove some correctness properties about it, and translate it into an OCaml program that you can compile with your optimizing OCaml compiler. Haskell is also supported.
The Extraction chapter of Logical Foundations has a simple example of Coq's program extraction features, but it's not required reading. This chapter starts from scratch and goes deeper.


As an example, let's extract insertion sort, which we implemented in Sort.
Fixpoint ins (i : nat) (l : list nat) :=
  match l with
  | [][i]
  | h :: tif i <=? h then i :: h :: t else h :: ins i t

Fixpoint sort (l : list nat) : list nat :=
  match l with
  | [][]
  | h :: tins h (sort t)
The Extraction command prints out a function as OCaml code.
Extraction sort.
You can see the translation of sort from Coq to OCaml in your IDE. Examine it there, and notice the similarities and differences. To get the whole program, we need Recursive Extraction:
Recursive Extraction sort.
The first thing you see there is a redefinition of the bool type. But OCaml already has a bool type whose inductive structure is isomorphic. We want our extracted functions to be compatible with, i.e. callable by, ordinary OCaml code. So we want to use OCaml's standard definition of bool in place of Coq's inductive definition, bool. You'll notice the same issue with lists. The following directive causes Coq to use OCaml's definitions of bool and list in the extracted code:
Extract Inductive bool ⇒ "bool" [ "true" "false" ].
Extract Inductive list ⇒ "list" [ "[]" "(::)" ].
Recursive Extraction sort.
But the program still uses a unary representation of natural numbers: the number 7 is really (S (S (S (S (S (S (S O))))))), which in OCaml will be a data structure that's seven pointers deep. The leb function takes linear time, proportional to the difference in value between n and m.
We could instead use Coq's Z, which is a binary representation of integers. But that is logarithmic-time, not constant.
Require Import ZArith.
Open Scope Z_scope.

Fixpoint insZ (i : Z) (l : list Z) :=
  match l with
  | [][i]
  | h :: tif i <=? h then i :: h :: t else h :: insZ i t

Fixpoint sortZ (l : list Z) : list Z :=
  match l with
  | [][]
  | h :: tinsZ h (sortZ t)

Recursive Extraction sortZ.
Of course, for that extraction to be meaningful, we would need to prove that sortZ is a sorting algorithm.
Other alternatives include:
  • Extract nat directly to OCaml int. But int is finite (2^63 in modern implementations), so there are theorems we could prove in Coq that wouldn't hold in OCaml.
  • Use Coq's Int63, which faithfully models 63-bit cyclic arithmetic, and extract directly to OCaml int. But that's painful.
  • Define and axiomatize our own lightweight abstract type of naturals, but extract it to OCaml int. But, this is dangerous! If our axioms are inconsistent, we can prove anything at all. If they are not faithful to OCaml, our proofs will be meaningless.

Lightweight Extraction to int

We begin by positing a Coq type int that will be extracted to OCaml's int:
Parameter int : Type.
Extract Inlined Constant int ⇒ "int".
We'll abstract OCaml int to Coq Z. Every int does have a representation as a Z, though the other direction cannot hold.
Parameter Abs : int Z.
Axiom Abs_inj: (n m : int), Abs n = Abs m n = m.
Nothing else is known so far about int. Let's add less-than operators, which are extracted to OCaml's:
Parameter ltb: int int bool.
Extract Inlined Constant ltb ⇒ "( < )".
Axiom ltb_lt : (n m : int), ltb n m = true Abs n < Abs m.

Parameter leb: int int bool.
Extract Inlined Constant leb ⇒ "( <= )".
Axiom leb_le : (n m : int), leb n m = true Abs n Abs m.
Those axioms are sound: OCaml's < and are consistent with Coq's on any int. Note that we do not give extraction directives for Abs, ltb_lt, or leb_le. They will not appear in programs, only in proofs --which are not meant to be extracted.
You could imagine doing the same thing we just did with ( + ), but that would be wrong:

      Parameter ocaml_plus : intintint.
      Extract Inlined Constant ocaml_plus ⇒ "( + )".
      Axiom ocaml_plus_plus: a b c: int,
        ocaml_plus a b = cAbs a + Abs b = Abs c.
The first two lines are OK: there really is a + function in OCaml, and its type really is int int int.
But ocaml_plus_plus is unsound. From it, you could prove,

      Abs max_int + Abs max_int = Abs (ocaml_plus max_int max_int)
which is not true in OCaml because of overflow.
In Perm we proved several theorems showing that Boolean operators were reflected in propositions. Below, we do that for int and Z comparisons.
Lemma int_ltb_reflect : x y, reflect (Abs x < Abs y) (ltb x y).
  intros x y.
  apply iff_reflect. symmetry. apply ltb_lt.

Lemma int_leb_reflect : x y, reflect (Abs x Abs y) (leb x y).
  intros x y.
  apply iff_reflect. symmetry. apply leb_le.

Lemma Z_eqb_reflect : x y, reflect (x = y) (Z.eqb x y).
  intros x y.
  apply iff_reflect. symmetry. apply Z.eqb_eq.

Lemma Z_ltb_reflect : x y, reflect (x < y) (Z.ltb x y).
  intros x y.
  apply iff_reflect. symmetry. apply Z.ltb_lt.

Lemma Z_leb_reflect : x y, reflect (x y) (Z.leb x y).
  intros x y.
  apply iff_reflect. symmetry. apply Z.leb_le.

Lemma Z_gtb_reflect : x y, reflect (x > y) (Z.gtb x y).
  intros x y.
  apply iff_reflect. symmetry. rewrite Z.gtb_ltb. rewrite Z.gt_lt_iff. apply Z.ltb_lt.

Lemma Z_geb_reflect : x y, reflect (x y) (Z.geb x y).
  intros x y.
  apply iff_reflect. symmetry. rewrite Z.geb_leb. rewrite Z.ge_le_iff. apply Z.leb_le.
Now we upgrade bdall to work with Z and int.
Hint Resolve
     int_ltb_reflect int_leb_reflect
     Z_eqb_reflect Z_ltb_reflect Z_leb_reflect Z_gtb_reflect Z_geb_reflect
  : bdestruct.

Ltac bdestruct_guard:=
  match goal with
  | ⊢ context [ if Nat.eqb ?X ?Y then _ else _] ⇒ bdestruct (Nat.eqb X Y)
  | ⊢ context [ if Nat.ltb ?X ?Y then _ else _] ⇒ bdestruct (Nat.ltb X Y)
  | ⊢ context [ if Nat.leb ?X ?Y then _ else _] ⇒ bdestruct (Nat.leb X Y)
  | ⊢ context [ if Z.eqb ?X ?Y then _ else _] ⇒ bdestruct (Z.eqb X Y)
  | ⊢ context [ if Z.ltb ?X ?Y then _ else _] ⇒ bdestruct (Z.ltb X Y)
  | ⊢ context [ if Z.leb ?X ?Y then _ else _] ⇒ bdestruct (Z.leb X Y)
  | ⊢ context [ if Z.gtb ?X ?Y then _ else _] ⇒ bdestruct (Z.gtb X Y)
  | ⊢ context [ if Z.geb ?X ?Y then _ else _] ⇒ bdestruct (Z.geb X Y)
  | ⊢ context [ if ltb ?X ?Y then _ else _] ⇒ bdestruct (ltb X Y)
  | ⊢ context [ if leb ?X ?Y then _ else _] ⇒ bdestruct (leb X Y)

Ltac bdall :=
  repeat (simpl; bdestruct_guard; try lia; auto).

Insertion Sort, Extracted

We're ready to state insertion sort with int, and to extract it:
Fixpoint ins_int (i : int) (l : list int) :=
  match l with
  | [][i]
  | h :: tif leb i h then i :: h :: t else h :: ins_int i t

Fixpoint sort_int (l : list int) : list int :=
  match l with
  | [][]
  | h :: tins_int h (sort_int t)

Recursive Extraction sort_int.
Again, for that extraction to be meaningful, we need to prove that sort_int is a sorting algorithm. We can do that with the same techniques we used in Sort. In particular, lia works with Z, so we can enjoy automation without having to do any unnecessary work axiomatizing and proving lemmas about int.
Inductive sorted : list int Prop :=
| sorted_nil:
    sorted []
| sorted_1: x,
    sorted [x]
| sorted_cons: x y l,
    Abs x Abs y sorted (y :: l) sorted (x :: y :: l).

Hint Constructors sorted : core.

Exercise: 3 stars, standard (sort_int_correct)

Prove the correctness of sort_int by adapting your solution to insertion_sort_correct from Sort. Note that notations such as <=? refer to nat comparisons, so you might need to adjust those in your proof.
Theorem sort_int_correct : (al : list int),
    Permutation al (sort_int al) sorted (sort_int al).
  (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Binary Search Trees, Extracted

We can reimplement BSTs with int keys.
Definition key := int.

Inductive tree (V : Type) : Type :=
  | E : tree V
  | T : tree V key V tree V tree V.

Arguments E {V}.
Arguments T {V}.

Definition empty_tree {V : Type} : tree V := E.

Fixpoint lookup {V : Type} (default : V) (x : key) (t : tree V) : V :=
  match t with
  | Edefault
  | T l k v rif ltb x k then lookup default x l
                else if ltb k x then lookup default x r
                     else v

Fixpoint insert {V : Type} (x : key) (v : V) (t : tree V) : tree V :=
  match t with
  | ET E x v E
  | T l y v' rif ltb x y then T (insert x v l) y v' r
                 else if ltb y x then T l y v' (insert x v r)
                      else T l x v r

Fixpoint elements_aux {V : Type}
         (t : tree V) (acc : list (key × V)) : list (key × V) :=
  match t with
  | Eacc
  | T l k v relements_aux l ((k, v) :: elements_aux r acc)

Definition elements {V : Type} (t : tree V) : list (key × V) :=
  elements_aux t [].

Theorem lookup_empty : (V : Type) (default : V) (k : key),
    lookup default k empty_tree = default.
Proof. auto. Qed.

Exercise: 1 star, standard (lookup_insert_eq)

Theorem lookup_insert_eq :
   (V : Type) (default : V) (t : tree V) (k : key) (v : V),
    lookup default k (insert k v t) = v.
  (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Exercise: 2 stars, standard (lookup_insert_neq)

Theorem lookup_insert_neq :
   (V : Type) (default : V) (t : tree V) (k k' : key) (v : V),
    k k' lookup default k' (insert k v t) = lookup default k' t.
  (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Exercise: 4 stars, standard, optional (int_elements)

Port the definition of BST and re-prove the properties of elements for int-keyed trees. Send us your solution so we can include it!
Now see the extraction in your IDE:
Extract Inductive prod ⇒ "( * )" [ "( , )" ]. (* extract pairs natively *)
Recursive Extraction empty_tree insert lookup elements.

Performance Tests

Let's measure the performance of BSTs. First, we extract to an OCaml file:
Extraction "searchtree.ml" empty_tree insert lookup elements.
Second, in the same directory as this file (Extract.v) you will find the file test_searchtree.ml. You can run it using the OCaml toplevel with these commands:
# #use "searchtree.ml";;
# #use "test_searchtree.ml";;
On a recent machine with a 2.9 GHz Intel Core i9 that prints:
Insert and lookup 1000000 random integers in .889566 seconds.
Insert and lookup 20000 random integers in 0.009918 seconds.
Insert and lookup 20000 consecutive integers in 2.777335 seconds.
That execution uses the bytecode interpreter. The native compiler will have better performance:
$ ocamlopt -c searchtree.mli searchtree.ml
$ ocamlopt searchtree.cmx -open Searchtree test_searchtree.ml -o test_searchtree
$ ./test_searchtree
On the same machine that prints,
Insert and lookup 1000000 random integers in 0.488973 seconds.
Insert and lookup 20000 random integers in 0.003237 seconds.
Insert and lookup 20000 consecutive integers in 0.387535 seconds.
Of course, the reason why the performance is so much worse with consecutive integers is that BSTs exhibit worst-case performance under that workload: linear time instead of logarithmic. We need balanced search trees to achieve logarithmic. Redblack will do that.
(* 2024-01-02 15:41 *)