Verif_strlibString functions

In this chapter we show how to prove the correctness of C programs that use null-terminated character strings.
Here are some functions from the C standard library, strlib.c
    #include <stddef.h>

    size_t strlen(const char *str) {
      size_t i;
      for (i=0; ; i++)
        if (str[i]==0) return i;

    char *strcpy(char *dest, const char *src) {
      size_t i;
      for(i = 0;; i++){
        char d = src[i];
        dest[i] = d;
        if(d == 0) return dest;

    int strcmp(const char *str1, const char *str2) {
      size_t i;
      for(i = 0;; i++){
        char d1 = str1[i];
        char d2 = str2[i];
        if(d1 == 0 && d2 == 0) return 0;
        else if(d1 < d2) return -1;
        else if(d1 > d2) return 1;

Standard boilerplate

Require VC.Preface. (* Check for the right version of VST *)
Require Import VST.floyd.proofauto.
Require Import VC.strlib.
#[export] Instance CompSpecs : compspecs. make_compspecs prog. Defined.
Definition Vprog : varspecs. mk_varspecs prog. Defined.
Require Import VC.hints. (* Import special hints for this tutorial. *)
Require Import Coq.Strings.Ascii.

Representation of null-terminated strings.

Coq represents a string as a list-like Inductive of Ascii characters:
Locate string. (* Coq.Strings.String.string *)
Print string.
(* Inductive string : Set :=
    EmptyString : string | String : Ascii.ascii -> string -> string *)

The C programming language represents a character as a byte, that is, an 8-bit signed or unsigned integer. In Coq represent the 8-bit integers using the byte type.
Print byte. (* Notation byte := *)
CompCert's Byte module is an 8-bit instantiation of the n-bit integers, just as the Int module is a 32-bit instantiation.
Here, we can ask what Byte knows about the theory of 8-bit modular integers:
Search byte. (* Too long a list of theorems to reproduce here! *)
We can convert a Coq string to a list of bytes:
Fixpoint string_to_list_byte (s: string) : list byte :=
  match s with
  | EmptyStringnil
  | String a s'Byte.repr (Z.of_N (Ascii.N_of_ascii a))
                                      :: string_to_list_byte s'

Definition Hello := "Hello"%string.
Definition Hello' := string_to_list_byte Hello.

Eval simpl in string_to_list_byte Hello.
 (* = Byte.repr 72; Byte.repr 101; Byte.repr 108; Byte.repr 108; Byte.repr 111   :   list byte *)

Section StringDemo.

  Variable p : val. (* Suppose we have an address in memory *)
To describe a single byte in memory, we can use data_at with the signed-character type:
Print tschar. (* = Tint I8 Signed noattr : type *)
Check (data_at Tsh tschar (Vint (Int.repr 72)) p). (* : mpred *)
This data_at Tsh tschar (Vint (Int.repr 72)) p is an mpred, that is, a memory predicate in separation logic. It says, at address p in memory there is a sequence of bytes whose length is appropriate for type tschar; that is, one byte. The contents of this sequence of bytes (one byte) is a representation of the integer 72. The ownership share (access permission) of memory at address p is the "top share" Tsh
Check (data_at Tsh tschar (Vbyte (Byte.repr 72))).
We can express the same thing using Vbyte (Byte.repr 72). In fact, Vbyte is not a primitive CompCert value, it is a definition:
Print Vbyte. (* = fun c : byte => Vint (Int.repr (Byte.signed c))
     : byte -> val *)

Goal Vbyte (Byte.repr 72) = Vint (Int.repr 72).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Goal Vbyte (Byte.repr 72) = Vint (Int.repr 72).
  unfold Vbyte.
  rewrite Byte.signed_repr.
The C programming language represents a string of length k as an array of nonnull characters (bytes), terminated by a null character. We represent this in separation logic using the cstring memory-predicate:
Locate cstring. (* VST.floyd.entailer.cstring *)
Print cstring. (* =
  fun {CS : compspecs} (sh : Share.t) (s : list byte) (p : val) =>
  !! (~ In s) &&
  data_at sh (tarray tschar (Zlength s + 1)) (map Vbyte ( p *)

Here is an example of a cstring predicate that says, At address p there is a null-terminated string representing "Hello".
Check (cstring Tsh Hello' p). (* : mpred *)
By unfolding the definition of cstring this is equivalent to,
Check (
  !! (¬ In Hello') &&
  data_at Tsh (tarray tschar (5 + 1)) (map Vbyte (Hello'++[])) p ).
This says, no element of the list Hello' is equal to In memory at address p there is an array of 6 bytes, whose contents are the contents of Hello' with a appended at the end.
Sometimes we know that there is a null-terminated string inside an array of length n. That is, there are k nonnull characters (where k<n), followed by a null character, followed by n-(k+1) uninitialized (or don't-care) characters. We represent this with the cstringn predicate.
Print cstringn. (* =
 fun {CS : compspecs} (sh : Share.t) (s : list byte) (n : Z) (p : val) =>
 !! (~ In s) &&
 data_at sh (tarray tschar n)
  (map Vbyte (s ++ ++
   Zrepeat Vundef (n - (Zlength s + 1))) p *)

Check (cstringn Tsh Hello' 10 p). (* : mpred *)

End StringDemo.

Reasoning about the contents of C strings

In separation logic proofs about C strings, we often find proof goals similar to the one exemplified by this lemma:
Lemma demonstrate_cstring1:
  i contents
   (H: ¬ In contents)
   (H0: Znth i (contents ++ [])
   (H1: 0 i Zlength contents),
   0 i + 1 < Zlength (contents ++ []).
A null-terminated string is an array of characters with three parts:
  • The contents of the string, none of which is the '\0' character;
  • The null termination character, equal to;
  • the remaining garbage in the array, after the null.
When processing a string, you should maintain three kinds of assumptions above the line:
  • Hypothesis H above the line says that none of the
contents is the null character;
  • Hypothesis H0 typically comes from a loop test, s[i]!=0
  • H1 typically comes from a loop invariant: suppose a
a loop iteration variable _i (with value i) is traversing the array. We expect that loop to go up to but no farther than the null character, that is, one past the contents.
The cstring tactic processes all three of these hypotheses to conclude that i < Zlength contents.
assert (H7: i < Zlength contents) by cstring.
But actually, cstring tactic will prove any rep_lia consequence of that fact. For example:
clear H7.
autorewrite with sublist.
Here is another demonstration. When your loop on the string contents reaches the end, the loop test s[i]!=0 is false, so therefore s[i]=0.
Lemma demonstrate_cstring2:
  i contents
   (H: ¬ In contents)
   (H0: Znth i (contents ++ []) =
   (H1: 0 i Zlength contents),
   i = Zlength contents.
Hypothesis H0 expresses that the loop test determined s[i]=0. The cstring can then prove that i = Zlength contents.

Function specs

strlen(s) returns the length of the string s.
Definition strlen_spec :=
 DECLARE _strlen
  WITH sh: share, s : list byte, str: val
  PRE [ tptr tschar ]
    PROP (readable_share sh)
    PARAMS (str)
    SEP (cstring sh s str)
  POST [ size_t ]
    PROP ()
    RETURN (Vptrofs (Ptrofs.repr (Zlength s)))
    SEP (cstring sh s str).

A digression about size_t

Vptrofs? Ptrofs.repr? What's that?
Programmers use size_t when writing C programs that are portable to 64-bit and 32-bit installations; this typedef stands for whatever size of unsigned (long) integer is the same size as a pointer. In Verifiable C, size_t is the corresponding C unsigned type:
Print size_t.
(*   = if Archi.ptr64 
         then Tlong Unsigned noattr 
         else Tint I32 Unsigned noattr *)

Then, in the RETURN clause, instead of returning the value Vlong (Int64.repr (Zlength s)) or Vint (Int.repr (Zlength s)), which would not be portable, we use Vptrofs, which stands for either Vlong or Vint, depending:
Print Vptrofs.
(*  =  fun n : ptrofs =>
          if Archi.ptr64
          then Vlong (Ptrofs.to_int64 n)
          else Vint (Ptrofs.to_int n) *)

The unpronounceable "ptrofs" stands for "pointer offset". It's a CompCert thing. Don't ask. The argument of Vptrofs is a ptrofs, that is The module Ptrofs is isomorphic to Int64 in a 64-bit configuration, and isomorphic to Int in a 32-bit configuration. Isomorphic, but not identical; there are lemmas relating them:
VST-Floyd has proof automation tactics that try to help you by applying these lemmas where appropriate. For example, in the proofs in this chapter, you don't have to do much special to deal with the Vptrofs.

End of digression about size_t

strcpy(dest,src) copies the string src to the array dest.
Definition strcpy_spec :=
 DECLARE _strcpy
  WITH wsh: share, rsh: share, dest : val, n : Z, src : val, s : list byte
  PRE [ tptr tschar, tptr tschar ]
    PROP (writable_share wsh; readable_share rsh; Zlength s < n)
    PARAMS (dest; src)
    SEP (data_at_ wsh (tarray tschar n) dest; cstring rsh s src)
  POST [ tptr tschar ]
    PROP ()
    RETURN (dest)
    SEP (cstringn wsh s n dest; cstring rsh s src).
strcmp(s1,s2) compares strings s1 and s2 for lexicographic order. This funspec is an underspecification of the actual behavior, in that it specifies equality testing only.
Definition strcmp_spec :=
 DECLARE _strcmp
  WITH sh1: share, sh2: share, str1 : val, s1 : list byte, str2 : val,
       s2 : list byte
  PRE [ tptr tschar, tptr tschar ]
    PROP (readable_share sh1; readable_share sh2)
    PARAMS (str1; str2)
    SEP (cstring sh1 s1 str1; cstring sh2 s2 str2)
  POST [ tint ]
   EX i : int,
    PROP (if Int.eq_dec i then s1 = s2 else s1 s2)
    RETURN (Vint i)
    SEP (cstring sh1 s1 str1; cstring sh2 s2 str2).

Definition Gprog : funspecs := [ strlen_spec; strcpy_spec; strcmp_spec ].

Proof of the strlen function

Exercise: 2 stars, standard (body_strlen)

Lemma body_strlen: semax_body Vprog Gprog f_strlen strlen_spec.
Look at the proof goal below the line. We have the assertion,
  PROP ( ) LOCAL (temp _str str) SEP (cstring sh s str)) When proving things about a string-manipulating function, the first decision is: Does this function treat the string abstractly or does it subscript the array and look at the individual characters?
  • If abstract, then we should not unfold the definition cstring.
  • If we subscript the array directly, we must unfold cstring.
Since this strlen function does access the array contents, we start by unfolding cstring.
unfold cstring in ×.
Now, we have a Proposition ¬ In s in the SEP clause of our assertion; we can move it above the line by Intros.
forward. (* i=0; *)
Now we are at a for-loop. Unlike a simple while-loop, a for-loop may:
  • break; (prematurely terminate the loop)
  • continue; (prematurely terminate the body, skipping to the increment)
So therefore the simple Hoare-logic while rule is not always applicable. The general form of Verifiable C's loop tactic is:
  forward_loop Inv1 continue: Inv2 break: Inv3 where Inv1 is the invariant that holds right before the loop test, Inv2 is the invariant that holds right before the increment, and Inv3 is the postcondition of the loop.
Providing continue: Inv2 is optional, as is break: Inv3. In many cases the forward_loop tactic can figure out that the continue: invariant is not needed (if the loop doesn't contain a continue statement), or the break: postcondition is not needed (if there's no break statement, or if there are no commands after the loop).
So let's try this loop with only a single loop invariant:
forward_loop (EX i : Z,
  PROP (0 i < Zlength s + 1)
  LOCAL (temp _str str; temp _i (Vptrofs (Ptrofs.repr i)))
  SEP (data_at sh (tarray tschar (Zlength s + 1))
          (map Vbyte (s ++ [])) str)).
Look at the LOCAL clause that binds temp _i to the value Vptrofs (Ptrofs.repr i). What is that? The answer is, in reasoning about C programs, we need:
  • 8-bit integers, or simply byte
  • 32-bit integers, or simply int
  • 64-bit integers,
But there is also the concept expressed in C as size_t, that is, The integer type with the same number of bits as a pointer. In this might be the same as 32-bit int, or it might be the same as 64-bit int.
So, just as CompCert has the Int module for reasoning about 32-bit integers and the Int64 module for 64-bit integers, it has also the Ptrofs module for reasoning about pointer offsets. Ptrofs is isomorphic to (but not identical to) either Int64 or Int, depending on the boolean value Archi.ptr64.
Compute Archi.ptr64. (* = false : bool *)
If this computes false, then this installation of Verifiable C is configured for 32-bit pointers; if true, then this Verifiable C is configured for 64-bit. But either way, to turn a value into a CompCert val, we have Vptrofs. And -- just as we can write C programs that are portable to 32-bit or 64-bit pointers using size_t, we can write proofs scripts portable by using Ptrofs.
Print Vptrofs. (* = 
 fun n : ptrofs =>
   if Archi.ptr64 then Vlong (Ptrofs.to_int64 n) 
                  else Vint (Ptrofs.to_int n)
     : ptrofs -> val  *)

And therefore, _i is a C variable of type size_t, i is a Coq variable of type Z, and and Vptrofs (Ptrofs.repr i) is a CompCert val that represents i as a val.
assert (Example: Archi.ptr64=false
           n, Vptrofs (Ptrofs.repr n) = Vint (Int.repr n)). {
 intro Hx; try discriminate Hx. (* in case Archi.ptr64 = true *)
  (* In a 32-bit C system: *)
all: intros.
all: hint.
all: autorewrite with norm.
all: auto.
} clear Example.
Now it's time to prove all the subgoals of forward_loop.
× (* Prove the precondition entails the loop invariant *)
(* FILL IN HERE *) admit.
× (* Prove the loop body preserves the invariant *)
(* FILL IN HERE *) admit.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Proof of the strcpy function

Exercise: 2 stars, standard (strcpy_then_clause)

The next lemma, or some variation of it, will be useful in the proof of the strcpy function (in the then clause of the if statement).
Lemma strcpy_then_clause:
   (wsh: share) (dest: val) (n: Z) (s: list byte),
  Zlength s < n
  ¬ In s
    data_at wsh (tarray tschar n)
      (map Vbyte (sublist 0 (Zlength s) s) ++
       upd_Znth 0 (Zrepeat Vundef (n - Zlength s))
         (Vint (Int.repr (Byte.signed (Znth (Zlength s) (s ++ []))))))
  |-- data_at wsh (tarray tschar n)
        (map Vbyte (s ++ []) ++
             Zrepeat Vundef (n - (Zlength s + 1)))
apply derives_refl'.
Check Zrepeat_app. (* Hint: this lemma will be useful. *)
Check upd_Znth_app1. (* Hint: this lemma will be useful. *)
Check app_Znth2. (* Hint: this lemma will be useful. *)
Check Znth_0_cons. (* Hint: this lemma will be useful. *)
(* Other useful lemmas will be map_app, app_ass *)
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Exercise: 2 stars, standard (strcpy_else_clause)

Lemma strcpy_else_clause: wsh dest n s i,
  Zlength s < n
  ¬ In s
  0 i < Zlength s + 1
  Znth i (s ++ [])
     data_at wsh (tarray tschar n)
      (upd_Znth i (map Vbyte (sublist 0 i s)
                       ++ Zrepeat Vundef (n - i))
             (Vint (Int.repr (Byte.signed (Znth i (s ++ [])))))) dest
  |-- data_at wsh (tarray tschar n)
      (map Vbyte (sublist 0 (i + 1) s)
           ++ Zrepeat Vundef (n - (i + 1))) dest.
apply derives_refl'.
Useful lemmas here will be: upd_Znth_app2, sublist_split, repeat_app', app_Znth1, map_app, app_ass, sublist_len_1.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

data_at is not injective!

The Vundef value means uninitialized or undefined or defined but don't care. Consider this lemma:
Lemma data_at_Vundef_example:
   i n sh p,
    0 i < n
  data_at sh (tarray tschar n)
          (Zrepeat (Vbyte (i+1)
             ++ Zrepeat Vundef (n-(i+1))) p
  data_at sh (tarray tschar n)
          (Zrepeat (Vbyte i
             ++ Zrepeat Vundef (n-i)) p.
The proof goal means: If cells 0 j < i+1 are zero and cells i+1 j < n are don't care, that implies the weaker statement that cells 0 j < i are zero and cells i j < n are don't-care.
Now, let's try to prove it using the same technique as in strcpy_then_clause:
apply derives_refl'.
rewrite <- Zrepeat_app by lia.
replace (n-i) with (1 + (n-(i+1))) by lia.
rewrite <- Zrepeat_app by lia.
rewrite !app_ass.
Oops! The current proof goal is False! The problem was that we should not have applied derives_refl'.

Lemma data_at_Vundef_example:
   i n sh p,
    0 i < n
  data_at sh (tarray tschar n)
          (Zrepeat (Vbyte (i+1)
             ++ Zrepeat Vundef (n-(i+1))) p
  data_at sh (tarray tschar n)
          (Zrepeat (Vbyte i
             ++ Zrepeat Vundef (n-i) ) p.
rewrite <- Zrepeat_app by lia.
replace (n-i) with (1 + (n-(i+1))) by lia.
rewrite <- Zrepeat_app by lia.
rewrite !app_ass.
Check split2_data_at_Tarray_app.
(*  forall (cs : compspecs) (mid n : Z) (sh : Share.t) 
    (t : type) (v1 v2 : list (reptype t)) (p : val),
  Zlength v1 = mid ->
  Zlength v2 = n - mid ->
  data_at sh (tarray t n) (v1 ++ v2) p =
  data_at sh (tarray t mid) v1 p *
  data_at sh (tarray t (n - mid)) v2
    (field_address0 (tarray t n) ArraySubsc mid p)

rewrite (split2_data_at_Tarray_app i) by list_solve.
rewrite (split2_data_at_Tarray_app 1) by list_solve.
rewrite (split2_data_at_Tarray_app i) by list_solve.
rewrite (split2_data_at_Tarray_app 1) by list_solve.
Why did that work? Let's look at a simpler example.
Lemma cancel_example:
  sh i j p q,
   data_at sh tint (Vint i) p × data_at sh tint (Vint j) q
 |-- data_at sh tint (Vint i) p × data_at sh tint (Vundef) q.
Uncomment the following line, and notice that it solves the goal.
(* cancel. *)
cancel breaks this into two subgoals:
apply sepcon_derives.
In the first subgoal, we use the fact that |-- is reflexive
apply derives_refl.
In the second subgoal, we use the fact that any value implies a Vundef, or more generally, any value implies default_val t for any CompCert type t.
apply stronger_default_val.
The moral of the story is: When proving
   data_at sh t a p |-- data_at sh t b p if (a=b) you can simplify the goal using
   apply derives_refl'; f_equal. but if a is strictly more defined than b, then derives_refl' is not appropriate.

Exercise: 3 stars, standard (body_strcpy)

Lemma body_strcpy: semax_body Vprog Gprog f_strcpy strcpy_spec.
Because this function subscripts the strings, it does not treat the strings abstractly, we must unfold cstring and cstringn.
unfold cstring,cstringn in ×.
forward_loop (EX i : Z,
  PROP (0 i < Zlength s + 1)
  LOCAL (temp _i (Vptrofs (Ptrofs.repr i)); temp _dest dest; temp _src src)
  SEP (data_at wsh (tarray tschar n)
        (map Vbyte (sublist 0 i s) ++ Zrepeat Vundef (n - i)) dest;
       data_at rsh (tarray tschar (Zlength s + 1)) (map Vbyte (s ++ [])) src)).
+ (* Prove the precondition implies the loop invariant *)
(* FILL IN HERE *) admit.
+ (* Prove the loop body *)
In the then clause of this proof, you may reach a proof goal similar to Lemma strcpy_then_clause, but not identical. In that case you may want to use the same proof techniques you used in that exercise. Ditto for the else clause, and strcpy_else_clause.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Exercise: 3 stars, standard (example_call_strcpy)

Prove the correctness of a function that calls strcpy.
  int example_call_strcpy(void) {
    char buf[10];
    return buf[0];
Definition stringlit_1_contents := Hello' ++ [].

Definition example_call_strcpy_spec :=
 DECLARE _example_call_strcpy
  WITH gv: globals
  PRE [ ]
    PROP ()
    SEP (cstring Ews (Hello' ++ []) (gv ___stringlit_1))
  POST [ tint ]
    PROP ()
    RETURN (Vint (Int.repr (Z.of_N (Ascii.N_of_ascii "H"%char))))
    SEP (cstring Ews (Hello' ++ []) (gv ___stringlit_1)).

Lemma body_example_call_strcpy: semax_body Vprog Gprog
         f_example_call_strcpy example_call_strcpy_spec.
This proof is fairly straightforward. First, figure out what WITH witness to give for forward_call. Hint: look at the SEP clause of the precondition of strcpy_spec, and see how the data_at and cstring conjuncts must match your current assertion.
Second, after the forward_call, don't forget to unfold cstringn; this is necessary because after the call we subscript the _buf array directly.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Exercise: 4 stars, standard, optional (body_strcmp)

Lemma body_strcmp: semax_body Vprog Gprog f_strcmp strcmp_spec.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
(* 2024-01-02 15:54 *)