Verif_reverseLinked lists in Verifiable C

This chapter demonstrates some more features of Verifiable C. There are no exercises in this chapter.

Running Example

Here is a little C program, reverse.c:
    #include <stddef.h>

    struct list {unsigned head; struct list *tail;};

    struct list *reverse (struct list *p) {
      struct list *w, *t, *v;
      w = NULL;
      v = p;
      while (v) {
        t = v->tail;
        v->tail = w;
        w = v;
        v = t;
      return w;
This program reverses the linked list p, by updating all the tail pointers without touching any of the head values. You can "see it run" by flipping through the slides of Reverse-Slides.pdf, distributed with this chapter. Let's prove this program correct!
SEE ALSO VC.pdf Chapter 46 (Proof of the reverse program)
As usual, we import the Verifiable C system VST.floyd.proofauto, then the program to be verified, in this case reverse. Then we give the standard boilerplate definitions of CompSpecs and Vprog.
Require VC.Preface. (* Check for the right version of VST *)
Require Import VST.floyd.proofauto.
Require Import VC.reverse.
#[export] Instance CompSpecs : compspecs. make_compspecs prog. Defined.
Definition Vprog : varspecs. mk_varspecs prog. Defined.

Inductive definition of linked lists

Tstruct _list noattr is the AST (abstract syntax tree) description of the C-language type struct list. We will be using this a lot, so we make an abbreviation for it, t_list:
Definition t_list := Tstruct _list noattr.
We will define a separation-logic predicate, listrep sigma p, to describe the concept that the address p in memory is a linked list that represents the mathematical sequence sigma. Here, sigma is a list of val, which is C's "value" type: integers, pointers, floats, etc.
Fixpoint listrep (sigma: list val) (p: val) : mpred :=
 match sigma with
 | h::hs
    EX y:val, data_at Tsh t_list (h,y) p × listrep hs y
 | nil
    !! (p = nullval) && emp
This says, if sigma has head h and tail hs, then there is a cons cell at address p with components (h,y). This cons cell is described by data_at Tsh t_list (h,y) p. Separate from that, at address y, there is the representation of the rest of the list, listrep hs y. The memory footprint for listrep (h::hs) p contains the first cons cell at address p, and the rest of the cons cells in the list starting at address y.
But if sigma is nil, then p is the null pointer, and the memory footprint is empty (emp). The fact p=nullval is a pure proposition (Coq Prop); we inject this into the assertion language (Coq mpred) using the !! operator.
Because !!P (for a proposition P) does not specify any footprint (whether empty or otherwise), we do not use the separating conjunction × to combine it with emp; !!P has no spatial specification to separate from. Instead, we use the ordinary conjunction &&.
Now, we want to prevent the simpl tactic from automatically unfolding listrep. This is a design choice that you might make differently, in which case, leave out the Arguments command.
Arguments listrep sigma p : simpl never.

Hint databases for spatial operators

Whenever you define a new spatial operator--a definition of type mpred such as listrep--it's useful to populate two hint databases.
  • The saturate_local hint is a lemma that extracts pure propositional facts from a spatial fact.
  • The valid_pointer hint is a lemma that extracts a valid-pointer fact from a spatial lemma.
    Consider this proof goal:
Lemma data_at_isptr_example1:
   (h y p : val) ,
   data_at Tsh t_list (h,y) p |-- !! isptr p.
isptr p means p is a non-null pointer, not NULL or Vundef or a floating-point number:
Print isptr.
  (* = fun v : val => match v with Vptr _ _ => True | _ => False end *)
The goal solves automatically, using entailer!

Lemma data_at_isptr_example2:
   (h y p : val) ,
   data_at Tsh t_list (h,y) p |-- !! isptr p.
Let's look more closely at how entailer! solves this goal. First, it finds all the pure propositions Prop that it can deduce from the mpred conjuncts on the left-hand side, and puts them above the line.
The saturate_local tactic uses a Hint database (also called saturate_local) to look up the individual conjuncts on the left-hand side (this particular entailment has just one conjunct).
Print HintDb saturate_local.
In this case, the new propositions above the line are labeled H and H0. Next, if the proof goal has just a proposition !!P on the right, entailer! throws away the left-hand-side and tries to prove P. (This is rather aggressive, and can sometimes lose information, that is, sometimes entailer! will turn a provable goal into an unprovable goal.)
apply prop_right.
It happens that field_compatible _ _ p implies isptr p,
Check field_compatible_isptr.
   (* : forall (t : type) (path : list gfield) (p : val),
       field_compatible t path p -> isptr p *)

So therefore, field_compatible_isptr solves the goal.
eapply field_compatible_isptr; eauto.
Now you have some insight into how entailer! works.
But when you define a new spatial predicate mpred such as listrep, the saturate_local tactic does not know how to deduce Prop facts from the listrep conjunct:
Lemma listrep_facts_example:
  sigma p,
   listrep sigma p |-- !! (isptr p p=nullval).
Here, entailer! threw away the left-hand-side and left an unprovable goal. Let's see why.

Lemma listrep_facts_example:
  sigma p,
   listrep sigma p |-- !! (isptr p p=nullval).
First entailer! would use saturate_local to see (from the Hint database) what can be deduced from listrep sigma p.
But saturate_local did not add anything above the line. That's because there's no Hint in the Hint database for listrep. Therefore we must add one. The conventional name for such a lemma is f_local_facts, if your new predicate is named f.

Lemma listrep_local_facts:
   sigma p,
   listrep sigma p |--
   !! (is_pointer_or_null p (p=nullval sigma=nil)).
For each spatial predicate Definition f(_): mpred, there should be one "local fact", a lemma of the form f(_) |-- !! _. On the right hand side, put all the propositions you can derive from f(_). In this case, we know:
  • p is either a pointer or null (it's never Vundef, or Vfloat, or a nonzero Vint).
  • p is null, if and only if sigma is nil.
We will prove this entailment by induction on sigma
revert p; induction sigma; intros p.
In the base case, sigma is nil. We can unfold the definition of listrep to see what that means.
 unfold listrep.
Now we have an entailment with a proposition p=nullval on the left. To move that proposition above the line, we could do Intros, but it's easier just to call on entailer! to see how it can simplify (and perhaps partially solve) this entailment goal:
 (* The entailer! has left an ordinary proposition, which is easy to solve. *)
  split; auto.
In the inductive case, we can again unfold the definition of listrep (a::sigma); but then it's good to fold listrep sigma. Replace the semicolon ; with a period in the next line, to see why.
 unfold listrep; fold listrep.
Warning! Sometimes entailer! is too aggressive. If we use it here, it will throw away the left-hand side because it doesn't understand how to look inside an EXistential quantitier. The exclamation point ! is a warning that entailer! can turn a provable goal into an unprovable goal. Uncomment the next line and see what happens. Then put the comment marks back.
 (* entailer!. *)
The preferred way to handle EX y:t on the left-hand-side of an entailment is to use Intros y. Uncomment this to try it out, then put the comment marks back.
 (* Intros y. *)
A less agressive entailment-reducer is entailer without the exclamation point. This one never turns a provable goal into an unprovable goal. Here it will Intro the EX-bound variable y.
Should you use entailer! or entailer in ordinary proofs? Usually entailer! is best: it's faster, and it does more work for you. Only if you find that entailer! has gone into a dead end, should you use entailer instead.
Here it is safe to use entailer!
Notice that entailer! has put several facts above the line: field_compatible t_list [] p and value_fits t_list (a,y) come from the saturate_local hint database, from the data_at conjunct; and is_pointer_or_null y and y=nullval sigma=[] come from the the listrep conjunct, using the induction hypothesis IHsigma.
Now, let's split the goal and take the two cases separately.
 split; intro.
  clear - H H2.
  subst p.
It happens that field_compatible _ _ p implies isptr p,
Check field_compatible_isptr.
   (* : forall (t : type) (path : list gfield) (p : val),
       field_compatible t path p -> isptr p *)

The predicate isptr excludes the null pointer,
Print isptr.
  (* = fun v : val => match v with Vptr _ _ => True | _ => False end *)
Print nullval.
  (* = if Archi.ptr64 then Vlong else Vint *)
Therefore H is a contradiction. We can proceed with,
Check field_compatible_nullval.
  (* = forall (CS : compspecs) (t : type) (f : list gfield) (P : Type),
       field_compatible t f nullval -> P *)

  eapply field_compatible_nullval; eauto.
 + (*The case  a::sigma=[] p=nullval is easy, by inversion: *)
   inversion H2.
Now we add this lemma to the Hint database called saturate_local
#[export] Hint Resolve listrep_local_facts : saturate_local.

Valid pointers, and the valid_pointer Hint database

In the C language, you can do a pointer comparison such as p!=NULL or p==q only if p is a valid pointer, that is, either NULL or actually pointing within an allocated object. One way to prove that p is valid is if, for example, data_at Tsh t_list (h,y) p, meaning that p is pointing at a list cell. There is a hint database valid_pointer from which the predicate valid_pointer p can be proved automatically. For example:
Lemma struct_list_valid_pointer_example:
   h y p,
   data_at Tsh t_list (h,y) p |-- valid_pointer p.
  auto with valid_pointer.
However, the hint database does not know about user-defined separation-logic predicates (mpred) such as listrep; for example:
Lemma listrep_valid_pointer_example:
  sigma p,
   listrep sigma p |-- valid_pointer p.
 auto with valid_pointer.
Notice that auto with... did not solve the proof goal
Therefore, we should prove the appropriate lemma, and add it to the Hint database.
Lemma listrep_valid_pointer:
   sigma p,
   listrep sigma p |-- valid_pointer p.
The main point is to unfold listrep.
 unfold listrep.
Now we can prove it by case analysis on sigma; we don't even need induction.
 destruct sigma; simpl.
The nil case is easy:
The cons case
  Intros y.
Now this solves using the Hint database valid_pointer, because the data_at Tsh t_list (v,y) p on the left is enough to prove the goal.
  auto with valid_pointer.
Now we add this lemma to the Hint database
#[export] Hint Resolve listrep_valid_pointer : valid_pointer.

Specification of the reverse function.

A funspec characterizes the precondition required for calling the function and the postcondition guaranteed by the function.
Definition reverse_spec : ident × funspec :=
 DECLARE _reverse
  WITH sigma : list val, p: val
  PRE [ tptr t_list ]
     PROP () PARAMS (p) SEP (listrep sigma p)
  POST [ (tptr t_list) ]
    EX q:val,
     PROP () RETURN (q) SEP (listrep(rev sigma) q).
  • The WITH clause says, there is a value sigma: list val and a value p: val, visible in both the precondition and the postcondition.
  • The PREcondition says,
    • There is one function-parameter, whose C type is "pointer to struct list"
    • PARAMS: The parameter contains the Coq value p;
    • SEP: in memory at address p there is a linked list representing sigma.
  • The POSTcondition says,
    • the function returns a value whose C type is "pointer to struct list"; and
    • there exists a value q: val, such that
    • RETURN: the function's return value is q
    • SEP: in memory at address q there is a linked list representing rev sigma.
The global function spec characterizes the preconditions/postconditions of all the functions that your proved-correct program will call. Normally you include all the functions here, but in this tutorial example we include only one.
Definition Gprog : funspecs := [ reverse_spec ].

Proof of the reverse function

For each function definition in the C program, prove that the function-body (in this case, f_reverse) satisfies its specification (in this case, reverse_spec).
Lemma body_reverse: semax_body Vprog Gprog f_reverse reverse_spec.
The start_function tactic "opens up" a semax_body proof goal into a Hoare triple.
As usual, the current assertion (precondition) is derived from the PRE clause of the function specification, reverse_spec, and the current command w=0; ...more... is the function body of f_reverse.
The first statement (command) in the function-body is the assignment statement w=NULL;, where NULL is a C #define that exands to "cast 0 to void-pointer", (void × )0, here ugly-printed as (tptr tvoid)(0). To apply the separation-logic assignment rule to this command, simply use the tactic forward :
forward. (* w = NULL; *)
The new semax judgment is for the rest of the function body after the command w=NULL. The precondition of this semax is actually the postcondition of the w=NULL statement. It's much like the precondition of w=NULL, but contains the additional LOCAL fact, temp _w (Vint (Int.repr 0)), that is, the variable _w contains nullval.
We can view the Hoare-logic proof of this program as a "symbolic execution", where the symbolic states are assertions. We can symbolically execute the next command by saying forward again.
forward. (* v = p; *)
Examine the precondition, and notice that now we have the additional fact, temp _v p.
We cannot take the next step using forward ...
Fail forward.
... because the next command is a while loop.

The loop invariant

To prove a while-loop, you must supply a loop invariant, such as
     (EX s1 ... PROP(...)LOCAL(...)SEP(...).
   (EX s1: list val, EX s2 : list val,
    EX w: val, EX v: val,
     PROP (sigma = rev s1 ++ s2)
     LOCAL (temp _w w; temp _v v)
     SEP (listrep s1 w; listrep s2 v)).
The forward_while tactic leaves four subgoals, which we mark with - (the Coq "bullet")
- (* Prove that (current) precondition implies the loop invariant *)
On the left-hand side of this entailment is the precondition (that we had already established by forward symbolic execution to this point) for the entire while-loop. On the right-hand side is the loop invariant, that we just gave to the forward_while tactic. Because the right-hand side has four existentials, a good proof strategy is to choose values for them, using the Exists tactic.
Exists (@nil val) sigma nullval p.
Now we have a quantifier-free proof goal; let us see whether entailer! can solve some parts of it.
Indeed, the entailer! did a fine job. What's left is a property of our user-defined listrep predicate: emp |-- listrep [] nullval.
unfold listrep.
Now that the user-defined predicate is unfolded, entailer! can solve the residual entailment.

- (* Prove that loop invariant implies typechecking of loop condition *)
The second subgoal of forward_while is to prove that the loop-test condition can execute without crashing. Consider, for example, the C-language while loop, while (a[i]>0) ..., where the value of i might exceed the bounds of the array. Then this would be a "buffer overrun", and is "undefined behavior" ("stuck") in the C semantics. We must prove that, given the current precondition (in this case, the loop invariant), the loop test is not "undefined behavior." This proof goal takes the form, current-precondition |-- tc_expr Delta e, where e is the loop-test expression. You can pronounce tc_expr as "type-check expression", since the Verifiable C type-checker ensures that such expressions are safe (sometimes with a subgoal for you to prove).
Fortunately, in most cases the entailer! solves tc_expr goals completely automatically:

- (* Prove that loop body preserves invariant *)
As usual in any Hoare logic (including Separation Logic), we need to prove that the loop body preserves the loop invariant, more precisely,
  • {Inv /\ Test} body {Inv}
where Test is the loop-test condition. Here, the loop-test condition in the original C code is (v), and its manifestation above the line is the hypothesis HRE: isptr v, meaning that v is a (non-null) pointer.
The loop invariant was EX s1:_, EX s2:_, EX w:_, EX v:_, ..., and here all the existentially quantified variables on the left side of the entailment have been moved above the line: s1, s2: val and w,v: val.
The PROP part of the loop invariant was sigma = rev s1 ++ s2, and it has also been moved above the line, as hypothesis H.
So now we would like to do forward-symbolic execution through the four assignment statements in the loop body.
Fail forward.
But we cannot go forward through t=vtail; because that would require a SEP conjunct in the precondition of the form data_at sh t_list (_,_) v, and there is no such conjunct. Actually, there is such a conjunct, but it is hiding inside listrep s2 v. That is, there is such a conjunct as long as s2 is not nil. Let's do case analysis on s2:
destruct s2 as [ | h r].
 + (* s2=nil *)

Suppose s2=nil. If we unfold listrep . . .
   unfold listrep at 2.
then we learn that v=nullval. To move this fact (or any proposition) from the precondition to above-the-line, we use Intros:
Now, above the line, we have v=nullval and isptr v; this is a contradiction.
   subst. contradiction.

 + (* s2=h::r *)

Suppose s2=h::r. We can unfold/fold the listrep conjunct for h::r; if you don't remember why we do unfold/fold, then replace the semicolon (between the fold and the unfold) with a period and see what happens.

   unfold listrep at 2; fold listrep.
By the definition of listrep, at address v there must exist a value y and a list cell containing (h,y). So let us move y above the line:
   Intros y.
Now we have the appropriate SEP conjuncts to be able to go forward through the loop body
   forward. (* t = v->tail *)
   forward. (* v->tail = w; *)
   forward. (* w = v; *)
   forward. (* v = t; *)
At the end of loop body; we must reestablish the loop invariant. The left-hand-side of this entailment is the current assertion (after the loop body); the right-hand side is simply our loop invariant. (Unfortunately, the forward_while tactic has "uncurried" the existentials into a single EX that binds a 4-tuple.) Since the proof goal is a complicated-looking entailment, let's see if entailer! can simplify it a bit:
Now, we can provide new values for s1,s2,w,v to instantiate the four existentials; these are, respectively, h::s1,r,v,y.
   Exists (h::s1,r,v,y).
Again, we have a complicated-looking entailment; we ask entailer! to reduce it some more.
   × simpl. rewrite app_ass. auto.
   × unfold listrep at 3; fold listrep.
     Exists w. entailer!.

- (* after the loop *)
As usual in any Hoare logic (including Separation Logic), the postcondition of a while-loop is {Inv /\ not Test}, where Inv is the loop invariant and Test is the loop test. Here, all the EXistentials and PROPs of the loop invariant have been moved above the line as s1,s2,w,v,HRE,H.
We can always go forward through a return statement:
forward. (* return w; *)
Now we must prove that the current assertion (after the while-loop) entails the function postcondition. The left-hand side of this entailment is what we had just before forward through the return; the right-hand side is the postcondition of reverse_spec, after the local variables (etc.) have been simplified away. We must demonstrate a pointer q (here it's called x) that satisfies the various conditions. Here it's easy to find x, since it's constrained to be equal to w:
Exists w; entailer!.
rewrite (proj1 H1) by auto.
unfold listrep at 2; fold listrep.
rewrite <- app_nil_end, rev_involutive.

Why separation logic?

If we review our functional correctness proof for reverse.c, it may not be obvious why we need separation logic at all. Let's take a close look.
First, we build "separation" into the definition of listrep. The following is our definition:
  Fixpoint listrep (sigma: list val) (p: val) : mpred :=
   match sigma with
   | h::hsEX y:val, data_at Tsh t_list (h,y) p × listrep hs y
   | nil ⇒ !! (p = nullval) && emp
In the nonempty list case, the head element is described by
   data_at Tsh t_list (h,y) p which is separated (by the separating conjunction * ) from the rest of the list
   listrep hs y. This separation ensures that no address could be used more than once in a linked list. For example, considering a linked list of length at least 2,
   listrep (a :: b :: l) x. We know that there must be two addresses y and z such that
      data_at Tsh t_list (a,y) x ×
      data_at Tsh t_list (b,z) y ×
      listrep l z.
The "separating conjunction" × tells us that x and y must be different! Formally, we can prove the following two lemmas:
Lemma listrep_len_ge2_fact: (a b x: val) (l: list val),
  listrep (a :: b :: l) x |--
  EX y: val, EX z: val,
      data_at Tsh t_list (a,y) x ×
      data_at Tsh t_list (b,z) y ×
      listrep l z.
  unfold listrep; fold listrep.
  Intros y z.
  Exists y z.

Lemma listrep_len_ge2_address_different: (a b x y z: val) (l: list val),
  data_at Tsh t_list (a,y) x ×
  data_at Tsh t_list (b,z) y ×
  listrep l z |--
  !! (x y).
To prove that the addresses are different, we do case analysis first. If x = y, we use the following theorem:
  Check data_at_conflict.
    (* : forall (sh : Share.t) (t : type) (v v' : reptype t) (p : val),
         sepalg.nonidentity sh -> 0 < sizeof t ->
         data_at sh t v p * data_at sh t v' p |-- FF *)

It says that we can derives address anti-aliasing from the "separation" defined by ×. If x y, the right side is already proved.
  destruct (Val.eq x y); [| apply prop_right; auto].
  subst x.
  sep_apply (data_at_conflict Tsh t_list (a, y)).
  + auto.
  + entailer!.
Actually, even the property xy is not strong enough! We need to know that x does not overlap with any field of record y, for example (in C notation) x != &(ytail) and &(xtail) != y. Otherwise, when storing into ytail, we couldn't know that xhead is not altered.
Without separation logic, we could still define listrep' using extra clauses for address anti-aliasing. For example, a length-3 linked list listrep (a :: b :: c :: nil) x can be: exists y and z, such that (a, y) is stored at x, (b, z) is stored at y, (c, nullval) is stored at z and x, y and z are different from each other. In general, that assertion will be quadratically long (as a function of the length of the linked list). Then, to make sure xhead is not at the same address as ytail, we'd need even more assertions.
In our program correctness proof, we do (implicitly) use the fact that different SEP clauses describe disjoint heaplets. Here is an intermediate step in the proof of body_reverse.
(We rarely state intermediate proof goals such as this one. We do it here to illustrate a point about separating conjunction.)
Lemma body_reverse_step:
  {Espec : OracleKind}
  (sigma : list val)
  (s1 : list val)
  (h : val)
  (r : list val)
  (w v : val)
  (HRE : isptr v)
  (H : sigma = rev s1 ++ h :: r)
  (y : val),
  semax (func_tycontext f_reverse Vprog Gprog nil)
    (PROP ( )
     LOCAL (temp _t y; temp _w w; temp _v v)
     SEP (listrep s1 w; data_at Tsh t_list (h, y) v; listrep r y))
             (Ederef (Etempvar _v (tptr (Tstruct _list noattr)))
                     (Tstruct _list noattr))
             _tail (tptr (Tstruct _list noattr)))
          (Etempvar _w (tptr (Tstruct _list noattr))))
       (Ssequence (Sset _w (Etempvar _v (tptr (Tstruct _list noattr))))
                  (Sset _v (Etempvar _t (tptr (Tstruct _list noattr))))))
       (PROP ( )
        LOCAL (temp _v y; temp _w v; temp _t y)
        SEP (listrep s1 w; data_at Tsh t_list (h, w) v; listrep r y))).
Now, our proof goal is:
  semax Delta
    (PROP ( )
     LOCAL (temp _t y; temp _w w; temp _v v)
     SEP (listrep s1 w; data_at Tsh t_list (h, y) v; listrep r y))
    ((_v_tail) = _w; MORE_COMMANDS)
The next forward tactic will do symbolic execution of vtail = w.
   forward. (* v->tail = w; *)
It turns the precondition into:
     PROP ( )
     LOCAL (temp _t y; temp _w w; temp _v v)
     SEP (listrep s1 w; data_at Tsh t_list (h, w) v; listrep r y).
It is no problem that the separating conjunct data_at Tsh t_list (h, y) v is turned into data_at Tsh t_list (h, w) v. But why weren't the other separating conjuncts like listrep s1 w affected?
Because they are separated! The separation ensures that address v is not used in the linked list described by listrep s1 w.
When C programs manipulate pointer data structures (or slices of arrays), address anti-aliasing plays an important role in their correctness proofs. Separation logic is essential for reasoning about updates to these structures. Verifiable C's SEP clause ensures separation between all its conjuncts.
(* 2024-01-02 15:44 *)