HashfunFunctional model of hash tables
/* First, access a few standard-library functions */ #include <stddef.h> extern void * malloc (size_t n); extern void exit(int n); extern size_t strlen(const char *str); extern char *strcpy(char *dest, const char *src); extern int strcmp(const char *str1, const char *str2); /* A function to turn a character-string into an integer */ unsigned int hash (char *s) { unsigned int n=0; unsigned int i=0; int c=s[i]; while (c) { n = n*65599u+(unsigned)c; i++; c=s[i]; } return n; } /* Each "bucket" is a linked list of these cells: */ struct cell { char *key; unsigned int count; struct cell *next; }; /* How many buckets in the hash table */ enum {N = 109}; /* A hash table is an array of buckets */ struct hashtable { struct cell *buckets[N]; }; /* first malloc space for a new copy of a string, then copy it. */ char *copy_string (char *s) { int i,n = strlen(s)+1; char *p = malloc(n); if (!p) exit(1); strcpy(p,s); return p; } /* create an empty table */ struct hashtable *new_table (void) { int i; struct hashtable *p = (struct hashtable * )malloc(sizeof(struct hashtable)); if (!p) exit(1); for (i=0; i<N; i++) p->buckets[i]=NULL; return p; } /* allocate and initialize a new linked-list cell */ struct cell *new_cell (char *key, int count, struct cell *next) { struct cell *p = (struct cell * )malloc(sizeof(struct cell)); if (!p) exit(1); p->key = copy_string(key); p->count = count; p->next = next; return p; } /* lookup up a string in the hash table, getting its occurrence count */ unsigned int get (struct hashtable *table, char *s) { unsigned int h = hash(s); unsigned int b = h % N; struct cell *p = table->buckets[b]; while (p) { if (strcmp(p->key, s)==0) return p->count; p=p->next; } return 0; } /* increment to the occurrence count of the string s in bucket *r0 */ void incr_list (struct cell **r0, char *s) { struct cell *p, **r; for(r=r0; ; r=&p->next) { p = *r; if (!p) { *r = new_cell(s,1,NULL); return; } if (strcmp(p->key, s)==0) { p->count++; return; } } } /* increment to the occurrence count of the string s the whole hash table */ void incr (struct hashtable *table, char *s) { unsigned int h = hash(s); unsigned int b = h % N; incr_list (& table->buckets[b], s); }
A functional model
Require Import VST.floyd.functional_base.
Instance EqDec_string: EqDec (list byte) := list_eq_dec Byte.eq_dec.
Fixpoint hashfun_aux (h: Z) (s: list byte) : Z :=
match s with
| nil ⇒ h
| c :: s' ⇒
hashfun_aux ((h × 65599 + Byte.signed c) mod Int.modulus) s'
Definition hashfun (s: list byte) := hashfun_aux 0 s.
Definition hashtable_contents := list (list (list byte × Z)).
Definition N := 109.
Lemma N_eq : N = 109.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Hint Rewrite N_eq : rep_lia.
Global Opaque N.
Definition empty_table : hashtable_contents :=
list_repeat (Z.to_nat N) nil.
Fixpoint list_get (s: list byte) (al: list (list byte × Z)) : Z :=
match al with
| (k,i) :: al' ⇒ if eq_dec s k then i else list_get s al'
| nil ⇒ 0
Fixpoint list_incr (s: list byte) (al: list (list byte × Z))
: list (list byte × Z) :=
match al with
| (k,i) :: al' ⇒ if eq_dec s k
then (k, i +1)::al'
else (k,i)::list_incr s al'
| nil ⇒ (s, 1)::nil
Definition hashtable_get (s: list byte) (contents: hashtable_contents) : Z :=
list_get s (Znth (hashfun s mod (Zlength contents)) contents).
Definition hashtable_incr (s: list byte) (contents: hashtable_contents)
: hashtable_contents :=
let h := hashfun s mod (Zlength contents)
in let al := Znth h contents
in upd_Znth h contents (list_incr s al).
Lemma hashtable_get_unfold:
∀ sigma (cts: list (list (list byte × Z) × val)),
hashtable_get sigma (map fst cts) =
list_get sigma (Znth (hashfun sigma mod (Zlength cts)) (map fst cts)).
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
∀ sigma (cts: list (list (list byte × Z) × val)),
hashtable_get sigma (map fst cts) =
list_get sigma (Znth (hashfun sigma mod (Zlength cts)) (map fst cts)).
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Lemma Zlength_hashtable_incr:
∀ sigma cts,
0 < Zlength cts →
Zlength (hashtable_incr sigma cts) = Zlength cts.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Hint Rewrite Zlength_hashtable_incr using list_solve : sublist.
∀ sigma cts,
0 < Zlength cts →
Zlength (hashtable_incr sigma cts) = Zlength cts.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Hint Rewrite Zlength_hashtable_incr using list_solve : sublist.
Lemma Int_repr_eq_mod:
∀ a, Int.repr (a mod Int.modulus) = Int.repr a.
Print Int.eqm. (* This is a hint about how to prove the lemma *)
Search Int.eqm. (* This is a hint about how to prove the lemma *)
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Use Int_repr_eq_mod in the proof of hashfun_aux_snoc.
Lemma hashfun_aux_snoc:
∀ sigma h lo i,
0 ≤ lo →
lo ≤ i < Zlength sigma →
Int.repr (hashfun_aux h (sublist lo (i + 1) sigma)) =
Int.repr (hashfun_aux h (sublist lo i sigma) × 65599
+ Byte.signed (Znth i sigma)).
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Lemma hashfun_snoc:
∀ sigma i,
0 ≤ i < Zlength sigma →
Int.repr (hashfun (sublist 0 (i + 1) sigma)) =
Int.repr (hashfun (sublist 0 i sigma) × 65599 + Byte.signed (Znth i sigma)).
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Functional model satisfies the high-level specification
Module Type COUNT_TABLE.
Parameter table: Type.
Parameter key : Type.
Parameter empty: table.
Parameter get: key → table → Z.
Parameter incr: key → table → table.
Axiom gempty: ∀ k, (* get-empty *)
get k empty = 0.
Axiom gss: ∀ k t, (* get-set-same *)
get k (incr k t) = 1+(get k t).
Axiom gso: ∀ j k t, (* get-set-other *)
j ≠ k → get j (incr k t) = get j t.
This means: in any Module that satisfies this Module Type,
there's a type table of count-tables,
and operators empty, get, set that satisfy the axioms
gempty, gss, and gso.
A "reference" implementation of COUNT_TABLE
Exercise: 2 stars, standard (FunTable)
It's easy to make a slow implementation of COUNT_TABLE, using functions.Module FunTable <: COUNT_TABLE.
Definition table: Type := nat → Z.
Definition key : Type := nat.
Definition empty: table := fun k ⇒ 0.
Definition get (k: key) (t: table) : Z := t k.
Definition incr (k: key) (t: table) : table :=
fun k' ⇒ if Nat.eqb k' k then 1 + t k' else t k'.
Lemma gempty: ∀ k, get k empty = 0.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Lemma gss: ∀ k t, get k (incr k t) = 1+(get k t).
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Lemma gso: ∀ j k t, j ≠ k → get j (incr k t) = get j t.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
End FunTable.
Demonstration that hash tables implement COUNT_TABLE
Exercise: 3 stars, standard (IntHashTable)
Now we make a "fast" implementation using hash tables. We put "fast" in quotes because, unlike the imperative implementation, the purely functional implementation takes linear time, not constant time, to select the the i'th bucket. That is, Znth i al takes time proportional to i. But that is no problem, because we are not using hashtable_get and hashtable_incr as our real implementation; they are serving as the functional model of the fast implementation in C.Module IntHashTable <: COUNT_TABLE.
Definition hashtable_invariant (cts: hashtable_contents) : Prop :=
Zlength cts = N ∧
∀ i, 0 ≤ i < N →
list_norepet (map fst (Znth i cts))
∧ Forall (fun s ⇒ hashfun s mod N = i) (map fst (Znth i cts)).
Definition table := sig hashtable_invariant.
Definition key := list byte.
Lemma empty_invariant: hashtable_invariant empty_table.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Lemma incr_invariant: ∀ k cts,
hashtable_invariant cts → hashtable_invariant (hashtable_incr k cts).
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Definition empty : table := exist _ _ empty_invariant.
Definition get : key → table → Z :=
fun k tbl ⇒ hashtable_get k (proj1_sig tbl).
Definition incr : key → table → table :=
fun k tbl ⇒ exist _ _ (incr_invariant k _ (proj2_sig tbl)).
Theorem gempty: ∀ k, get k empty = 0.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Theorem gss: ∀ k t, get k (incr k t) = 1 + (get k t).
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Theorem gso: ∀ j k t, (* get-set-other *)
j ≠ k → get j (incr k t) = get j t.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.