
What are the main goals of this assignment?

What preparation do I need before beginning this assignment? Read Section 4.3. Pay particular attention to the parts that deal with linked lists.

Can I program with a partner on this assignment? Yes. You are encouraged (not required) to work with a partner provided you practice pair programming.

Do I need to follow the prescribed API? Yes, we will be testing the methods in the API directly. If your method has a different signature or does not behave as specified, you will lose a substantial number of points. You may not add public methods to the API; however, you may add private methods (which are accessible from only the class in which they are declared).

What should the various methods do if the tour has no points? The size() method should return 0; the length() method should return 0.0; the toString() method should return the empty string; the draw() method should draw nothing to standard drawing.

How do I represent infinity in Java? Use Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY.

How can I produce an animation of the heuristic in action? It's easy and instructive—just redraw the tour after each insertion. See the instructions in It could take a while on a big input file, so you might want to modify it so that it redraws only after every 20 insertions or so. Note: when timing your program, don't show the animation or else this may become the bottleneck.

What is the file Tour$Node.class?When you declare a nested class like Node, the Java compiler uses the $ symbol to mark its name.

How can the suggested definition of private class Node work when it has no constructor declared? If you do not declare a constructor, Java automatically defines a no-argument constructor that sets all of the instance variables to their default values (here null since Point and Node are reference types).

What is a NullPointerException? You can get one by initializing a variable of type Node, say x, to null and then accessing or x.p. This can happen in your insertion routine if you inadvertently break up the circularly linked list.

When should I create a new linked-list node with the keyword new? To create a tour with n points, you should use new exactly n times with Node, once per invocation of insert(). It is unnecessary (and bad style) to use new with your list-traversal variables since this allocates memory that you never use.

When I run, I get inconsistent timing results. How can I fix this?

When I run with 10,000 points, it already takes more than a minute. What should I do? You have a performance error. Try to discover why (think analysis of algorithms) and explain it in your readme.txt file.

When I run with 10,000 points, my nearest insertion heuristic runs quickly, but my smallest insertion heuristic takes forever. How can I fix this? You probably have a loop that looks at inserting the new point at each possible insertion point. That is fine. However, if you are calling the length() method to compute the new tour length at each potential insertion point, you are effectively adding a second loop inside your first loop (even though it is a single method call), which is too slow. You do not need to recompute the entire tour length for each possible insertion point. Instead, compute the change in the tour length and keep track of which insertion point results in the smallest such change.

Can I use Java's built in LinkedList class? Absolutely not! One of the goals of this assignment is to gain experience writing and using linked structures. The Java libraries can take you only so far, and you will quickly discover applications which cannot be solved without devising your own linked structures.

Must I use a circularly linked list for the leaderboard? No, you are not required to use the Tour data type or linked lists for the leaderboard. Of course, you should exercise good modular design.

Input, Output, and Testing

Input. The files for this assignment include many sample inputs. Most are taken from TSPLIB.

Debugging. A good debugging strategy for most programs is to test your code on inputs that you can easily solve by hand. Start with 1- and 2-point problems. Then, do a 4-point problem. Choose the data so that it is easy to work through the code by hand. Draw pictures. If your code does not do exactly what your hand calculations indicate, determine where they differ. Use the StdOut.println() method to trace.

Checking your work. For usa13509.txt we get tour lengths of 77449.9794 and 45074.7769 for nearest insertion and smallest insertion, respectively. For circuit1290.txt we get 25029.7905 and 14596.0971.

Timing. You may use the client program to help you estimate the running time as a function of the input size n. It takes a command-line argument n, runs the two heuristics on a random input of size n, and prints how long each took.

% java-introcs -Xint TSPTimer 1000
Tour length = 26338.42949015926
Nearest insertion:  0.056 seconds

Tour length = 15505.745750759515
Smallest insertion:  0.154 seconds

The -Xint flag turns off various compiler optimizations, which helps normalize and stabilize the timing data that you collect.

Static visualizer. Use the clients and, as descried in the assignment specification.

Interactive visualizer. in an interactive TSP visualizer. When you click a point in the window, it will add it to your tour. It displays both the nearest neighbor heuristic tour (in red) and the smallest insertion heuristic (in blue). You can toggle the visibility of the two tours by typing n (for nearest neighbor) or s (for smallest insertion).

% java-introcs TSPVisualizer tsp1000.txt
1000 points both smallest and nearest 1000 points smallest

If you want to test after implementing only one of the insertion methods, you must declare the other method (even if it does nothing).

Possible Progress Steps

These are purely suggestions for how you might make progress. You do not have to follow these steps.

  1. Review the CircularQuote exercise from precept. This exercise illustrates circularly linked lists and how to use the do {...} while (...) loop to traverse them.
  2. Download and extract the .zip file mentioned on the assignment page. Later, you should save in the same directory.
  3. Study the Point API. In this assignment, you will use the constructor to create a point, the toString() method to print it, the distanceTo() method to compute the distance between two points, and the drawTo() method to draw a line segment connecting two points.
  4. Create a file Include the standard linked-list data type Node as a nested class. Include one instance variable, say first, of type Node that is a reference to the "first" node of the circularly linked list.
  5. To assist with debugging, define a constructor that takes four points as arguments and constructs a circularly linked list using those four points. First, create four Node objects and assign one point to each. Then, link the nodes to one another in a circular manner.
  6. Implement the size() method. It should traverse each Node in the circularly linked list, starting at first, and incrementing a counter at each step. This method requires only a few lines of code, but it is important to think about it carefully, because debugging linked-list code is notoriously difficult and frustrating. With circularly linked lists, the last node in the list points back to the first node, so watch out for infinite loops.

    To test the size() method, write a main() method that defines four points, constructs a new Tour object using those four points, and calls its size() method.

    public static void main(String[] args) {
          // define 4 points that are the corners of a square
          Point a = new Point(100.0, 100.0);
          Point b = new Point(500.0, 100.0);
          Point c = new Point(500.0, 500.0);
          Point d = new Point(100.0, 500.0);
          // create the tour a -> b -> c -> d -> a
          Tour squareTour = new Tour(a, b, c, d);
          // print the size to standard output
          int size = squareTour.size();
          StdOut.println("Number of points = " + size);
  7. Implement the length() method. It is very similar to the size() method, except that you need to access two successive points in the tour and call the distanceTo() method from the Point data type.

    Test the length() method on the 4-point tour—the length should be 1600.0.

          // print the tour length to standard output
          double length = squareTour.length();
          StdOut.println("Tour length = " + length);
  8. Implement the toString() method. It is similar in structure to size(), except that you must create a StringBuilder object and append each Point to the StringBuilder object.

    Test the toString() method on the 4-point tour.

          // print the tour to standard output

    You should get the following output:

    (100.0, 100.0)
    (500.0, 100.0)
    (500.0, 500.0)
    (100.0, 500.0)
  9. Implement the draw() method. It is very similar to length(), except that you will need to call the drawTo() method from the Point data type. You will also need to include the following statements in main():
    StdDraw.setXscale(0, 600);
    StdDraw.setYscale(0, 600);
    to resize the x- and y-coordinates of standard drawing.

    Test the draw() method on the 4-point tour—you should see a square.

Congratulations on reaching this point: writing linked-list code is always a challenge!

  1. Implement insertNearest(). To determine which node to insert the point p after, compute the Euclidean distance between each point in the tour and p by traversing the circularly linked list. As you proceed, store the node containing the closest point and its distance to p. After you have found the closest node, create a node containing p, and insert it after the closest node. This involves changing the next field of both the newly created node and the closest node. As a check, here is the resulting tour for the 10-point problem which has length 1566.1363. Note that the optimal tour has length 1552.9612 so this rule does not, in general, yield the best tour.
  2. After doing the nearest insertion heuristic, you should be able write the insertSmallest() method by yourself, without any hints. The only difference is that you want to insert the point p where it will result in the least possible increase in the total tour length. As a check, here is the resulting tour which has length 1655.7462. In this case, the smallest insertion heuristic actually does worse than the nearest insertion heuristic (although this is not typical).
