The semester-long project in COS-598A is an open-ended systems research project. Project topics should be reached after discussion with the class instructor. Projects should be done in groups of one to two and must involve significant systems programming. All group students are expected to share equally in the implementation.
At the end of the semester, each student will independently describe the contributions of their teammates.
All projects must upload and make their code available to the course staff on github's Princeton University organization, and we suggest using git to perform source code control for your project and the paper you write describing it.
We also strongly suggest writing your course project report using LaTeX. It is the de facto tool in which most CS research papers are written. While it has a bit of start-up cost, it's much easier to collaboratively write complex research papers using LaTeX than using Word. To reduce the overhead even further, why not use ShareLaTeX?
Students are encouraged to talk to each other, to the instructor, or to anyone else about the project, but assistance must be limited to discussion of the problem and sketching general approaches to a solution. Each student or pair must produce their own work on the class project.
Last updated: 2017-02-13 14:33:03 -0500 [validate xhtml]