COS-461, Spring 2012: Computer Networks

Latest Announcements

4/29: Assignment 4 (due Tue May 15) posted!
4/6: Assignment 3 (due Tue Apr 24) posted!

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This course studies computer networks and the services built on top of them. Topics include packet-switch and multi-access networks, routing and flow control, congestion control and quality-of-service, Internet protocols (IP, TCP, BGP), the client-server model and RPC, elements of distributed systems (naming, security, caching, consistency) and the design of network services (peer-to-peer networks, file and web servers, content distribution networks).

Prerequisite: COS 217. Although not required, taking either COS 318 or 333 before COS 461 is helpful for the programming assignments.



RoleNameOffice Hours (Location)
Lecturer Jennifer Rexford by appointment
TA Robert Kiefer 3-3:50pm Wednesdays in CS 318C
TA Xiaozhou Li 12-1pm Fridays in the CS 2nd floor Tea Room
TA Peng Sun 3-3:50pm Mondays in CS 318B (systems lab)

For questions about the course material, assignments, etc., please use the class Piazza site.


Last updated: Sun Apr 29 16:25:28 -0400 2012