Princeton University
Computer Science 461
The final exam (version with answers) was on Sunday May 20 (1:00-3:00pm).
The exams were open book, open notes, and open slides, but no computers (or anything else with a MAC address!). The exam drew on material from lecture, required readings, and the first two programming assignments; the material from the March 12 lecture was not included in the midterm exam.
Last year's midterm exam (version with answers) is useful preparation for both the midterm and final exams. Last year's second midterm exam (version with answers) is also good preparation for the final exam. Practice exams from previous years may be useful (click here for the exams in Postscript and PDF format). Be aware, though, that the material covered in the course, and the order the material is covered, varies from year to year. As such, some questions on these exams may cover material not (yet) covered in this course. The questions at the end of the chapters of the course textbook would also be useful for practice. You may also find it useful to read through the Kurose/Ross textbook that is on reserve in the library, for an alternate treatment of the same material.