Princeton University
Computer Science 116
Week 1: No lab session first week. Instead, take-home lab. (Grader: Dave)
Week 2: Intro to Pseudocode. Also, instructions for installing the Scribbler robot software at home. (Grader: Umar)
Week 3: Controlling the Robot I. (Grader: Dave)
Week 4: Digital Sound and Music. Also, the files needed for the lab. (Grader: Umar)
Week 5: Controlling the Robot II. (Grader: Dave)
Week 6: No lab session. Instead, a blogging assignment.
Week 7: Digital Logic I. (Grader: Umar)
Week 8: Lab cancelled.
Week 9: Digital Logic II: Sequential and Synchronous Circuits. (Grader: Dave)
Week 10: Internet Structure and Congestion Control. (Grader: Umar)
Week 11: A Turing Test.
Week 12: Virus and Worm Propagation in Networks. (Grader: Alex)