Programming Environment. We use a customized version of IntelliJ, which provides a complete Java programming environment. Install it on your computer by following the instructions for your operating system: Mac OS X, Windows, or Linux. If you are experiencing any issues with IntelliJ, please go to the Intro COS Lab in Lewis Library.
Ed Lessons. Use Ed Lessons, hosted on our Ed platform, to review all precept materials. All precept exercises, including solutions, as well as some additional practice exercises, will be made available on Ed Lessons.
Booksite. The booksite is a resource that accompanies the textbook for use while online (for example, while programming); it contains the code from the book and solutions to selected exercises. The textbook is for your use when initially learning new material or reinforcing your understanding of that material (for example, when reviewing for an exam).
Textbook on Reserve. The textbook is on reserve at the Engineering Library.
iClickers. To make the lectures more interactive, we will be using iClickers. To earn participation credit, you must attend lecture and participate in the iClicker polls. You must also register your mobile/web app:
- If needed, create a iClicker Student account.
- Select Princeton University as the institution.
- Enter your name, Princeton email address (as listed on Canvas), and NetID.
- Select COS 126 Spring'25 for the course.
Using a classmate’s iClicker (or allowing someone else to use your iClicker) during lecture is prohibited.
Java Documentation.
- COS 126 Java Cheatsheet - Provides overviews of various Java APIs and constructs used in COS 126.
- COS 126 JavaDoc - Provides detailed descriptions of COS 126 Java APIs.
Java Visualizer. Visualize your code with the Java Visualizer.
OIT. Sometimes laptops break. We strongly encourage you to back up all course materials. OIT can often help you address a laptop issue.
Digital Learning Lab (DLL). For students who may not have a computer (or use a Chomebook) or for students whose computers fail during the semester, please visit the McGraw Center’s Digital Learning Lab (DLL), located on the 100 level of Lewis Library. Information and hours can be found here.
Canvas. We use Canvas to post grades, provide access to videos, etc.
TigerFile. TigerFile is our web portal for submitting programming assignments and programming exams. Each assignment contains the specific TigerFile submission link.
codePost. You can check your assignment and programming exam feedback and grades on codePost. You will receive an invitation for registering for codePost after the first assignment is graded.
Gradescope. Results of written exams, along with feedback, will be given on Gradescope. You will receive an invitation for registering for Gradescope after the first written exam.
Zoom. We may be using Princeton’s Zoom for office hours, etc. Instructions for configuring your Princeton Zoom account can be found here.