COS-461 Announcements
Announcements will be posted here.
- 5/28: Final grades available on SCORE and exams in room 210. Have a great summer!
- 5/13: Final will be comprehensive and two hours long (1:30-3:30pm) on May 21st. Practice exams are posted.
- 4/29: Fifth assignment posted, due 5/12.
- 4/17: Fourth assignment posted, due 4/28.
- 4/14: Final will be Thursday, May 21st (1:30pm) in CS 104
- 4/10: Extended Assignment 3 due date to Monday, 4/13
- 4/08: Answers for midterm posted.
- 3/26: Practice exams posted. Review session will be Sunday, March 29th, from 4-6pm in CS105.
- 3/25: Third assignment posted, due 4/13.
- 3/05: Extended Assignment 2 due date to Tuesday, 3/10
- 2/25: Midterm moved to Monday, 3/30.
- 2/24: Check that your course directory is not world-readable. Type chmod -R 700 <cos461>
- 2/18: Second assignment posted, due 3/8.
- 2/2: First assignment posted, due 2/15.
- 1/23: Initial webpage posted.
Last updated: Thu May 28 11:54:12 -0400 2009