![]() Princeton University |
Freshman Seminar 136 |
Pipe Bombs;
followed by
commentary on why people who follow this recipe are idiots.
[The following site, previously listed, has disappeared:
Anonymous, Pipe Bombs
(excerpt from
The Terrorist's Handbook).]
Howard Morland, The Holocaust Bomb: a Question of Time, November 15, 1999.
Carey Sublette, Basic Principles of Staged Radiation Implosion, in The High Energy Weapons Archive of the Federation of American Scientists.
Cass R. Sunstein, Is Violent Speech A Right?, The American Prospect, no. 22, summer 1995.
Writing assignment due Feb 12th.
EFF "Legal Cases - Crypto - Bernstein v. US Dept. of State: Legalese" Archive. Read in chronological order (in reverse of the listed order).
Williams, Style: Toward Clarity and Grace, chapters 1 and 2.
Williams, Style, chapters 3 and 4.
Edward Samuels, The Illustrated Story of Copyright. On reserve at Firestone Library.
Chapter 7 of Cyber Rights. Mike Godwin, Times Books (Random House), 1998.
MP3: It's Only Rock and Roll and the Kids Are Alright. Siva Vaidhyanathan, The Nation, July 24, 2000.
The Heavenly Jukebox . Charles C. Mann, The Atlantic Monthly, September 2000.
The Battle over the Institutional Ecosystem in the Digital Environment. Yochai Benkler, Communications of the ACM 44 (2), pp. 84-90, February 2001.
Courtney Love does the Math. Courtney Love, Salon.com, June 14, 2000.
Liberation Musicology. Eben Moglen, The Nation, March 12, 2001.
Recording Industry brief in the Napster case, Filed in U.S. District Court, Northern District of California, July 26, 2000.
9th Circuit Court of Appeals Ruling, February 12, 2001.
Copyright law of the United States, in particular Section 106 and Chapter 12
Legally speaking: why the anticircumvention regulations need revision. Pamela Samuelson, Communications of the ACM 42 (9) pp. 17-21, September 1999.
Unfair Use. Julie E. Cohen, The New Republic Online, May 23, 2000.
Technological Access Control Interferes with Noninfringing Scholarship. Andrew W. Appel and Edward W. Felten, Communications of the ACM 43 (9) 21-23, September 2000.
Public comment to copyright office. Bernard R. Sorkin, representing Time Warner Inc., February 7, 2000.
Public comment to copyright office. Fritz E. Attaway, representing Motion Picture Association of America, February 16, 2000.
Anarchism Triumphant: Free Software and the Death of Copyright. Eben Moglen, First Monday, 1999.
Copyright and the Perfect Curve. Julie E. Cohen, 53 Vand. L. Rev. (forthcoming) 2000.
Plaintiff's Preliminary Injunction Memo in MPAA v. Reimerdes, Corley and Kazan. Leon P. Gold et al., attorneys for plaintiffs, January 14, 2000.
Complaint in MPAA v. Reimerdes, Corley and Kazan. Leon P. Gold et al., attorneys for plaintiffs, January 14, 2000.
Gallery of CSS Descramblers , David S. Touretsky, 2000. (Browse the gallery for a few minutes, you don't have to read everything there.)
DVD trial papers (all dates in year 2000):
Jan 21 | Preliminary Injunction Against DeCSS |
Jan 16 | MPAA v. Reimerdes, Corley and Kazan NY Filings |
Feb 3 | Memorandum Opinion |
Mar 17 | Consent Judgment Against Roman Kazan |
May 4 | Defendants' Reply Brief on Linking |
May 8 | Declarations of Emmanuel Goldstein and Pamela Samuelson |
Jun 30 | Declaration of Michael Shamos |
Jul 17 | Trial transcript, day 1. |
Jul 18 | Trial transcript, day 2. |
Jul 19 | Trial transcript, day 3. |
Jul 20 | Trial transcript, day 4. |
Jul 21 | Trial transcript, day 5. |
Jul 25 | Trial transcript, day 6. |
Aug 8 | Defendant's post-trial brief. |
Aug 11 | Plaintiff's Post-Trial Brief |
Aug 17 | Opinion |
Aug 17 | Final Judgement |
A complete listing of documents in this case is available from Harvard's Openlaw project.
Also look at (but don't read the whole thing) Oral arguments before the United States Court of Appeals from the Microsoft case, to get an idea what goes on at an appellate hearing.
Not much reading this week, just prepare for the mock trial
Transcript of mock oral arguments
Publishing Software as a Speech Act. Lee Tien, Berkeley Technology Law Journal, vol. 15 no. 2, pp. 629-712, spring 2000. (on reserve at Firestone)
Copyrightable Functions and Patentable Speech. Dan L. Burk, Communications of the ACM 44 (2), pp. 69-75, February 2001.
Breaking news: SDMI Challenge censorship:
Oral argument in the DVD case is scheduled for May 1, 2001, at 10:00 AM, in the Second Circuit Courthouse: Courtroom 506, 40 Centre St. at Foley Square, Manhattan.
Audio of the real oral argument.
Transcript of oral argument
AOL amicus brief supporting the write to speak anonymously, in Melvin vs. Doe, Superior Court of Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh District, February 24, 2001.
Herbert N. Foerstel, Banned in the media : a reference guide to censorship in the press, motion pictures, and the Internet, Greenwood Press, 1998. On reserve at Firestone library.
Patenting Speech. Dan L. Burk, May 2000 (to appear, 79 Texas L. Rev.).
Reclaiming a Commons. Lawrence Lessig, Harvard University, 1999.
The Digital Dilemma: Intellectual Property in the Information Age. Computer Science and Telecommunications Board, National Research Council. National Academy Press, 2000.
The business of software: the case for a new business model. Phillip G. Armour, Communications of the ACM 43 (8) pp. 19-22, August 2000.
Software Patents. League for Programming Freedom.
United States Code, Title 35 -- Patents. Legal Information Institute, Cornell University, 1999.