Assignment 2: Teller Login
This assignment must be submitted by 1:30 PM on Tuesday 29
February. Submit your solution by emailing it (as an attachment)
Your solution should be a zip-file containing three things: your
source code (, and any other source code files
you create), your compiled code (TellerAuth.class and the
compiled versions of any other files you create), and a report that
describes what you did and why. The report should be an HTML
file named index.html. (It may contain links to other
files, if you include those files in your submission.)
You must work in a group on this
assignment. You may not collaborate with anyone outside your group.
At present, the teller terminals, where bank tellers do their work,
are vulnerable. An adversary can walk up to a teller terminal, log
in, and proceed to create an account for himself, with a large initial
balance. This is true because the login dialog accepts any username,
and the password for every username is just equal to that username.
Your goal in this assignment is to improve the authentication of
tellers. You will decide what kind of exchange will occur between the
system and a teller when the teller logs in, and how the system will
decide whether to allow access in each case.
You will implement your solution by modifying the file, which has been provided in the bank's software.
The Code
Authentication of tellers is currently performed by the code in the
file This file contains the graphical user interface
(GUI) code to draw the login window, as well as the code that decides
whether to grant access.
At present, the code asks for a username and password, and grants
access if the username and password are equal to each other. The
decision whether to grant access is implemented by the "check"
The GUI code uses Sun's Swing toolkit. If you find that you need to
modify the GUI code, we can give you hints and point you to the
appropriate documentation on the Swing features you want to use.
Swing is not too difficult to use once you get the hang of it.
Your goal is to modify, and add any other needed code,
so that it is much harder for an adversary to gain access. Of course,
your solution must allow legitimate tellers to gain access. In
addition, there must be a way to grant newly hired tellers access, and
to take away access from tellers who leave the bank's employ.
There are several approaches you might follow. Depending on your
approach, you might need to modify the GUI code.
Threat Model
The adversary's goal is to gain access to a logged-in teller terminal.
Your goal is to prevent him from doing so. Of course, you must not
prevent legitimate tellers from gaining access.
You should make the following assumptions:
- The adversary can gain physical access to the keyboard and
monitor of a teller terminal in the bank.
- The adversary knows the usernames of the legitimate tellers.
- Each legitimate teller can know one or more secrets that the
adversary is unable to learn.
- When a teller leaves the bank's employ, the adversary can bribe
that teller to disclose any information in the teller's possession.
- The adversary knows what algorithm you are using. He can read
your code, but he cannot observe the values of any of your variables.
- The adversary cannot observe or modify the contents of any data
files you create.
We suspect that the adversary may be able to look over the
shoulders of tellers who are logging in, to see what they type. We
prefer solutions that meet the objectives even if the adversary can do
this. (Your report should say whether or not you protect against this
Your Report
Your report should describe your solution, explain why it allows legitimate
tellers to access their accounts, and justify why it prevents the adversary
from gaining illegitimate access under the assumptions listed above.
Your report should be concise but should be as convincing as you can make
it. The quality of your report will be a very important component
of your grade, so pay at least as much attention to your report as to your
Helpful Hints
If you want to store data in disk files, Java's serialization facility
might be helpful. It provides an automatic way to write virtually any
data structure out to a file, and then read it back later.
Copyright 2000, Edward W. Felten.