Some assignments require you to work in groups. Here are the rules
regarding group work.
A group must consist of either two or three people. Solutions turned
in by a "group" of one person, or by a group of four or more students,
will receive no credit.
You can work in different groups on different assignments. There
is no need to keep the same group from assignment to assignment.
Each group should submit a single solution, which should be clearly labeled
with the names of the group's members.
The members of a group will all receive the same grade on an assignment,
reflecting the quality of the group's collective solution to the assignment.
It is up to you to divide up the work within your group, and to make sure
that the other members of your group meet their commitments. (If
a member of your group is consistently irresponsible, let us know and we'll
take appropriate action.)
If you have trouble finding a group, let us know and we will help you.
Why Work in Groups?
There are several reasons for our decision to make you work in groups.
In the real world, people work in groups. We want you to learn how.
We think that you'll learn more by doing hard assignments than by doing
easy ones. Giving group assignments lets us assign harder problems
without overworking you.
Security problems require you to deal with engineering tradeoffs and make
difficult design decisions. We hope that you'll debate these decisions
within your group, and that the debates will be educational.
Copyright 2000, Edward W. Felten. All rights reserved.