Assignments and Reading Schedule
Day Topics Reading Assignment
Week 0
9/11-Thurs Outline 0.1: Modeling, applications survey - Assignment 1: Simulation (population genetics)
Week 1
9/16-Tues Outline 1.1: Simulation, population genetics example - Quiz 1
9/18-Thurs Outline 1.2: Using random numbers NR: 274-290 -
Precept, week 1 Plotting options - -
Week 2
9/23-Tues Outline 1.3: Interpreting results, descriptive statistics - Quiz 2
9/25-Thurs Student reports, discussion - Assignment 1 DUE
Assignment 2: Root Finding and Optimization (Economics Applications)
Precept, week 2 Re: Assignment 1 NR: 5-31 -
Week 3
9/30-Tues Outline 2.1: Rootfinding NR: 347-374;379-384 Quiz 3
10/2-Thurs Class cancelled - -
Precept, week 3 Symbolic computation using mathematica and maple - -
Week 4
10/7-Tues Outline 2.2: Optimization, 1-dim. NR: 394-408 -
10/9-Thurs Outline 2.3: Optimization, n-dim. NR: 408-430 Quiz 4
Precept, week 4 Re: Assignment 2 - -
Week 5
10/14-Tues Student reports, discussion - Assignment 2 DUE
Assignment 3: Ordinary Differential Equations (Chemical Oscillator)
10/16-Thurs Outline 3.1: Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs): basics NR: 707-710 -
Precept, week 5 Matlab - -
Week 6 (Midterm Week)
10/21-Tues Outline 3.2: ODEs continued NR: 710-714 Quiz 5
10/23-Thurs Outline 3.3: ODEs continued; nonlinear pendulum examples NR: 714-722; 734-737 Quiz 6
Precept, week 6 Re: Assignment 3 - -
Week 7
11/4-Tues Student reports, discussion - Assignment 3 DUE
11/6-Thurs Outline 4.1: Partial differential equations (PDEs): basics NR: 827-834 Quiz 7
Assignment 4: Partial Differential Equations (Wave Equation)
Precept, week 7 EIN: listen to your work,
Part I
[LS95] -
Week 8
11/11-Tues Student reports, discussion - Midterm Proposals DUE
11/13-Thurs Outline 4.2: PDEs continued NR: 834-842 Quiz 8
Precept, week 8 EIN: listen to your work,
Part II
[LS95] -
Week 9
11/18-Tues Outline 4.3: PDEs continued; nonlinear Schrödinger equation - Quiz 9
11/20-Thurs Student reports, discussion - Assignment 4 DUE
Assignment 5: Image Processing and the the FFT
Precept, week 9 Re: Assignment 4 - -
Week 10
11/25-Tues Outline 5.1: The Fourier Transform NR: 496-504 Quiz 10
No Precept - - -
Week 11
12/2-Tues Outline 5.2:The FFT Algorithm NR: 504-532 -
12/4-Thurs Outline 5.3: Using the FFT NR: 537-558 Quiz 11
Precept, week 11 Re: Assignment 5 - -
Week 12
12/9-Tues Student reports, discussion - Assignment 5 DUE
12/11-Thurs Outline ca.1: Cellular automata - -
No Precept - - -
Reading Period, dates TBA
- - - Student Presentations

NR = [PTVF92] = text = ``Numerical Recipes in C''

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