Lecture 0.1: Outline
Lecture 0.1: Mechanics, course structure, introduction to modeling
Mechanics and course structure
- web page, assignments and references in postscript
- schedule precept
- goal of course: learn numerical computing through applications,
sometimes called scientific computing
- 5 assignments (biology, economics, chemistry, physics, computer science),
basic parts + extra credit; will assign discussants, count on participating
- term project: report at midterm and reading period
- grading: assignments, class discussion, term project, 5-minute quizzes
- text:
Numerical Recipes in C [PTVF92], really a reference, useful
later in life, available in postscript on web -- but I want you
to write relatively short C programs from scratch
- reference list,
reserve books:
- numerical methods: [Act90], [Act96], [Atk85], [Smi85]
- biological applications: [EK88], [Smi89] (these reserved in biology library)
- physics applications: [GT96], [Tay86]
- digital signal processing, FFT: [Ste96], [Rus92]
- programming prerequisites: COS 126 is entirely adequate, don't get
fancy, don't make programs bullet-proof; we're after the algorithmic
and numerical issues; we'll review in week 2 precept
- math prerequisites: MAT 104 is entirely adequate, if you learn some
topics we'll cover along the way; just remember what a derivative is,
we'll motivate any more advanced math intuitively
Modeling in general
- philosophy of modeling: painting vs. photography
- quantitative vs. qualitative
- reasons: prediction, sufficiency, suggestivity
- independent and dependent variables, space, time
- discrete vs. continuous choices for time, space, dependent variables
- discrete-time/discrete-space:
- spatial epidemic models [Dur95];
- Sugarscape: growing artificial societies [EA96];
- cellular automata in general [Wol86], seashells [Mei95], [Hay95]
- lattice gasses [GT96]
- difference equations:
- population growth (linear) [EK88, chapter 1]
- population genetics (nonlinear) [EK88, chapter 3]
- digital signal processing, digital filters [Ste96]
- event-driven simulation:
- market dynamics [SHC96], [SS97]
- population genetics
- network traffic
- ordinary differential equations:
- market dynamics
- epidemics [EK88, Sect. 6.6], [KS92, Chapt. 24];
- seashells [Mei95], [Hay95]
- insulin-glucose regulation [EK88, p. 147ff];
- predator-prey systems [EK88, p. 218ff]
- partial differential equations:
- heat diffusion; population dispersal [EK88, p. 437ff];
- wave motion [Tay86]
- spread of genes in a population [EK88, p. 452ff], [Fis37]
- combinatorial: (and hence not ``numerical'')
- scheduling problems
- traveling salesman problem
master reference list