Programming Assignments

There are seven programming assignments, numbered 0 through 6.

Assignment 0 will not be graded. However that assignment is required in the sense that your grader will not grade your submissions for Assignments 1 through 6 until you have completed Assignment 0.

Due date and time information shown is in "Princeton time" (United Stated Eastern time). The partial credit allowances for late submission are shown on the course Policies page.

Each assignment is classified as an "Individual" or "Partnered" assignment. On "Partnered" assignments you may work with another student, subject to the pertinent guidelines from the course Policies page.

0 Sun 09/14, 9:00 PM Introductory Survey individual Repository
1 Sun 09/21, 9:00 PM A "De-Comment" Program individual Repository
2 Sun 10/05, 9:00 PM A String Module and Client individual Repository
3 Fri 10/31, 9:00 PM A Symbol Table Module individual Repository
4 Sun 11/16, 9:00 PM Directory and File Trees partnered Repository
5 Fri 12/05, 9:00 PM Assembly Language Programming and Testing partnered Repository
6 Fri 12/12, 9:00 PM A Buffer Overrun Attack partnered Repository