Project 1: Bootloader


In this first project, you will build the basic environment that is needed to develop the operating system for the rest of the semester: the bootloader (bootblock). Specifically, it will be your job to implement bootblock.s and createimage.c.

Every operating system is responsible for enabling other programs to be run. However, who enables the operating system? This function is performed by a small program known as the bootloader. Although bootloaders take a different form with each computer architecture, the core ideas remain the same. In this project, you will create a bootloader for the x86 architecture.

In the x86 architecture, the bootup procedure looks for a bootloader on the first sector of the booting device (a USB flash disk, hard drive, image file, etc.) and is automatically loaded and executed during the system booting process. It is responsible for loading the rest of the operating system from the booting device into memory. The bootloader cannot rely upon any functionality from the operating system, such as OS calls for disk I/O, or linking an object file against static libraries. However, the x86 architecture requires the presence of the Basic Input Output System (BIOS), which provides minimal terminal, keyboard and disk support. Your bootloader will use these BIOS calls to load the kernel from disk into memory, set up a stack space, and then switch control to the kernel. At this point, the OS begins running.

Because GCC, the compiler used to compile the bootblock and kernel source, generates executable files in a specific format which needs operating system support (of course not available before the operating system itself is loaded) to run, we need the createimage tool to put the bootloader and kernel executables into a bootable OS image file that can be directly loaded and run on a machine.

To fulfill the requirements of this project, you must learn the:

The bootblock.s and createimage.c in this assignment will be used for future projects throughout the semester.

We have provided starter code which contains nine files:

The start code is available on the lab machines at /u/318/code/project1/


  1. Review project specs, read the necessary documentation, download the start code.
  2. Complete the instructions listed in setup.
  3. Write your design review
  4. Complete bootblock.s using the createimage.given tool
  5. Complete createimage.c
  6. Compile and create the OS image to test.
  7. Test first using Bochs with your OS image and, once satisfied, then by booting off the image written to a USB stick
  8. Complete the general project requirements
  9. Submit


First, SSH into the courselab machines as described

Then copy the starter code with the following command: cp -r /u/318/code/project1 ./project1

Finally, work through the Bochs quickstart tutorial to get familar with the emulator you will use for these projects.

We also recommend looking through assembly_example.s before working on the rest of the assignment.

Design Review

First, take a look at
what we expect from you in general.

For this project, at your design review, we want you to write print_char and print_string functions in assembly. The first outputs a single character to the screen, and the second outputs a full string to the screen. Both should start printing at the cursor and advance the cursor as a result. You may implement these using any BIOS interrupts. Note that these are functions: they will be called with call and return with ret, and they should save and restore any modified registers. You may choose your own calling convention. The goal for this part (what we're grading) is your understanding of the organization of the stack and the use of interrupt calls. This is more important than getting the two functions to work perfectly, although getting the functions to work may help you test your bootloader in its early stages. Therefore, when implementing these functions, do it in a copy of bootblock.s

You should be able to describe:

Though not required for the design review, we also encourage you to investigate BIOS interrupt 0x13, which provides low-level access to read or write disk sectors. You will need this functionality to complete project 1; familiarize yourself early.

Each group must schedule a 10-minute design review slot during the allotted times. Additional flexibility will be provided only for extreme circumstances.

To sign up for a design review, use our signup page.


A Makefile is provided for you. To compile all your files and to generate the image file, use the make command from within the directory that contains your project. To remove any files generated by the last make, use the make clean command. The Makefile initially uses ./createimage.given to build image. Once you have implemented createimage.c, you will have to change line 54 to use your own createimage. Do not make this change until you are sure your bootloader is working.


When compiled, bootblock.s, will be written to the first sector of your boot device (USB, an image, etc.). You must write it in IA32 assembly language and its assembled machine language representation cannot exceed 512 bytes (the size of one disk sector).

bootblock.s must: In particular, make sure the %cs, %ds, and %ip registers are set to the correct values when the kernel is invoked.

You are required to handle kernels up to 54 sectors in size. Note that reading up to 128 sectors can be done with a single BIOS call, but you must beware that you cannot cross a physical segment (every 64K starting at address 0) in one read. In addition, when using Bochs, reading more than 64 sectors at once will fail if your image is used as a floppy disk instead of a hard disk.

When a PC boots the image/disk that you have prepared, and the system has been initialized, the first sector of the boot disk (the bootloader) is loaded at address 0x07c0:0000 (0x7c00 in real addressing mode) and control jumps to that address.

Your bootloader can safely modify memory in the range [0x0a00, 0xa0000) without having to worry about overwriting video memory, the interrupt vector table, or BIOS. The kernel should be loaded at address 0x0000:1000. You may assume that the entire kernel is no more than 54 sectors long. Notice that a loaded larger kernel may overlap with the bootloader, so you will have to relocate the bootloader to a higher address that can't be overwritten before loading the kernel (see extra credit).

In order to load sectors, you must know the boot device number, which is stored in %dl. Common values are 0x0 for a floppy drive, 0x80 for the first hard drive, 0x81 for the second, etc. You should save this value for later use.

We have provided createimage.given which is a linux-compiled binary version of createimage so that you may test your bootloader independently of the next half of the project. You can create an image using: ./createimage.given --extended bootblock kernel or simply use the Makefile.

See Testing for information on how to test the resulting image.



This is a linux tool that combines the bootloader and kernel into a bootable image file. Part of this tool is to tell the bootloader how many disk sectors to read in order to fully load the kernel.

When a program is compiled in Linux, an ELF executable file is generated. This file contains the program code and information telling the OS how to load the code into memory and what resources (dynamically-linked libraries, etc.) are required. However, at this stage, you do not have an OS to load any executable files. Thus, you must extract the bootloader and kernel from the corresponding generated ELF executables and carefully lay them out in the image file as if it were memory.

In order to write createimage, you will need to become especially familiar with the following features of the ELF file format:

We encourage you to read the
Documentation for the ELF file format as this document contains extensive explanations of the features you will need for this project.

You are also required to implement the --extended option. This option is supposed to print information to help debug the OS image. In particular, when given this option, createimage is expected to display the offset of the text segment from the start of the file, the virtual address to load the segment into (from the perspective of the ELF file), the size of the segment on disk and in memory, how many bytes were actually written to the image, and the total number of bytes written to the file at that point (including padding) for both the bootblock and the kernel. You must also print the size of the kernel (os_size) in sectors so that you can have a sense of whether the bootloader will need to relocate itself to accomodate a larger kernel (especially useful for the extra credit).

We have provided the linux-compiled binary of createimage to help you keep track of this. Your output should contain all the information provided in createimage.given, and be printed in roughly the same format.

To complete createimage, you will need to implement the following functions in addition to completing main():

To help you get started, you should refer to the man page in the code template by typing man -M man createimage to get more information on the functionality of createimage. You should ignore the "--vm" option for this project.

Finally, note that to mark a sector as "bootable" (which is required for the bootblock), the sector must contain the two-byte signature 0x55, 0xAA as its final two bytes. The BOOTLOADER_SIG_OFFSET constant contains the offset in the bootblock sector to write this signature to.


While developing your bootloader, we encourage you to test it using the free Bochs emulator ( However, you will be developing a real operating system in this course so your project 1 must work on real computers. To complete this project, you must ensure your bootloader works when booted from a USB flash disk on the lab machines. We will provide you with USB disks. If your code is correct, you should see the following message upon booting:
"Kernel > Running a trivial test... Test passed!"

With the previous caveat in mind, Bochs can make debugging your bootloader much easier. The lab machines have a debugging version of Bochs in /u/318/bin/bochsdbg. When it loads your image, it will enter a debug prompt where you can set breakpoints, step through assembly code, etc. You can get familiar with the Bochs testing and debugging workflow using the Quickstart Tutorial. You can find full documentation of the Bochs internal debugger here.

We strongly suggest you use the Bochs installed on lab machines. The way to login to lab machines is similar as the one in COS217. See How to SSH to Courselab.

Booting off a USB disk

See these instructions

  • objdump -M i8086,att [-D | -d] filename: disassembles a program, showing symbols and offsets.
  • hexdump: dumps file in hex and other formats
  • od: octal (and other formats) dump of a file


Here is a rough checklist to help you complete the two phases of the project:

Extra Credit

You will get 1 point extra credit if your bootloader can load larger kernels and/or read kernel data from more than one disk head. For the first part, your bootloader will need to relocate itself. In order to do some extra credit, you will need to know BIOS Int 0x13 Function 8 which can help you get disk parameters and a little bit about the cylinder-head-sector (CHS). In brief, successful BIOS Int 0x13 will return:

CH = low eight bits of maximum cylinder number
CL = maximum sector number (bits 5-0)
high two bits of maximum cylinder number (bits 7-6)
DH = maximum head number

Notice that 1 cylinder contains maximal head number of heads, 1 head contains maximal sector number of sectors. You will resort to these disk parameters to read kernel sector by sector. More information about CHS will be covered in the later lectures.

We provided two kernels for your extra credit test. You can download the extra_credit.tar.gz from the same code folder as the start code. There's one 84-sector medium kernel and one 160-sector large kernel. The medium kernel is self-explanatory. By loading the large kernel correctly, you should see:

Passed Test 1
Passed Test 2
Passed Test 3

If you wish to perform a more extensive test on the large kernel, you should use the bochsrc.large file (provided in aforementioned archive), and create an empty file called output. After running bochs, inspect the contents of the file output. If it worked, it will be full of 32 lines of the text "This is sixteen".

Some thoughts to consider for the extra credit:

Program Submission

Don't forget to complete the general requirements for each project! In particular, you need to submit a README file, which concisely describes your design and implementation, and what parts work and what parts you didn't get to work. You don't have to repeat anything you presented in the design review.

Submit via Dropbox; only one person per group should submit. When submitting the assignment, please turn in the files specified in the Dropbox, along with your readme (less than 500 words in text format).